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you know what, al? that's a really good question. and i have tried to fix it just now in fact. i made a wonderful thread there that will let people ventilate and it hopefully won't turn into flamethrower. anywho- that's what i tried to do. and if you want to see it, go to the harbor, cause i'm too lazy to make a link to it.


and a few more things-


i don't really see that there would be any need to close a thread unless:


1. it goes way off topic

2. it becomes a flaming thread

3. it has inappropriate content in it*


and that's all there is to it.


*unless, of course, the title actually tells you that it may contain inappropriate stuff in it. (what porn movie personality are you? that's pretty gosh darn blatant)



and with all the closed topics (four in a day? eleven on one page? come on) that's extremely ridiculous. half of them shouldn't have been closed and that's way too many, esp. since half shouldn't have been closed. i can understand one or maybe two every 5-7 days, but four in a day? is this abuse of powers or did they actually deserve to be closed?

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Originally posted by scabb

Groovy: It's not really my clubhouse, I only joined in the argument because I wanted to look cool and impress all the females that might be watching.


Also, I too find that holding personal grudges can be somewhat of a burden, so I decided that I would consolidate all of my grudges into one easy ball of hate, directed totally against anyone who has ever seen "Star Wars" - unless they can best me in a series of challenges that I won't go into.


Doesn't give me much of a chance then eh? Are all Star Wars fans so horrible now?:rolleyes:


Here I try to make my peace and get met with hand grenades and horse shoes. Thank you very much, I will go back to my "Star Wars" people now. At least they have the ability to be able to forgive and forget.:deathstar

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Maybe someone will answer my question here since for the last 4days no one has answered it. Topics like the "what porn star personality do you have" have been posted on the harbor a number of times- just not recently, and the mods have never ever ONCE closed or gave a stuff about those sort of topics. Why now? What's changed? Can someone please answer me? I don't want to fight or get into more arguing, I just want someone to answer me. obi_wan13 and Darth Groovy are the only people who have offered some form of explanation, to which I am greatful of, but none of the "local mods" for the harbor have answered my question. Which brings me to another point, who the hell are ED and Gabez? I've never seen a post from them in the Harbor, have no idea who they are, I know sort of who mymipage is, but I've never seen a post from him either. How did these people get chosen as mods if they're not even going to post in the harbor? I respect the admin's decisions in choices of mods, but seriously, how can you have a functioning forum if I only recognize 3/5 mods but one of those 3mods I don't even know that well? I don't think I've even seen a post from Brief in ages

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Originally posted by Natty

Maybe someone will answer my question here since for the last 4days no one has answered it. Topics like the "what porn star personality do you have" have been posted on the harbor a number of times- just not recently, and the mods have never ever ONCE closed or gave a stuff about those sort of topics. Why now? What's changed? Can someone please answer me? I don't want to fight or get into more arguing, I just want someone to answer me. obi_wan13 and Darth Groovy are the only people who have offered some form of explanation, to which I am greatful of, but none of the "local mods" for the harbor have answered my question. Which brings me to another point, who the hell are ED and Gabez? I've never seen a post from them in the Harbor, have no idea who they are, I know sort of who mymipage is, but I've never seen a post from him either. How did these people get chosen as mods if they're not even going to post in the harbor? I respect the admin's decisions in choices of mods, but seriously, how can you have a functioning forum if I only recognize 3/5 mods but one of those 3mods I don't even know that well? I don't think I've even seen a post from Brief in ages


ED.. That name .. I know that name from somewhere.. Nevermind.


So Natty, are you suggesting that the harbor gets new moderators?



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Originally posted by Natty

Maybe someone will answer my question here since for the last 4days no one has answered it. Topics like the "what porn star personality do you have" have been posted on the harbor a number of times- just not recently, and the mods have never ever ONCE closed or gave a stuff about those sort of topics. Why now? What's changed? Can someone please answer me? I don't want to fight or get into more arguing, I just want someone to answer me. obi_wan13 and Darth Groovy are the only people who have offered some form of explanation, to which I am greatful of, but none of the "local mods" for the harbor have answered my question. Which brings me to another point, who the hell are ED and Gabez? I've never seen a post from them in the Harbor, have no idea who they are, I know sort of who mymipage is, but I've never seen a post from him either. How did these people get chosen as mods if they're not even going to post in the harbor? I respect the admin's decisions in choices of mods, but seriously, how can you have a functioning forum if I only recognize 3/5 mods but one of those 3mods I don't even know that well? I don't think I've even seen a post from Brief in ages


Some mods, only post when they have to. And mostly just read the forum, and some people are made mods. As there staff on the forums site. :)


It all depends, if you are wondering why they were made mods. Then simply send a polite PM, to the admin of the forum you want to know about. ;)

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Originally posted by Captain wing

ED.. That name .. I know that name from somewhere.. Nevermind.


So Natty, are you suggesting that the harbor gets new moderators?




No I'm not suggesting that at all, it just feels like they're not taking an active interest in participating (posting) with us, I'd just like to know who some of these mods are, you know a simple "Hi I'm blah blah blah, I'm a mod here if you have any problems please feel free to contact me" that's all I'm really asking for :) And maybe a bit more communication with us, so in future if a topic is closed for whatever reason a straight valid reason instead of "this topic isn't appropriate" at least explain why it isn't appropriate. Is that really too much to ask?

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Originally posted by Natty

who the hell are ED and Gabez?


The EscapeMI forums were merged with both The Scumm Bar forums (RemiO, Gabez) and the Brimstone Beach club forums (mymipage, ED), hence the increase in the number of moderators. However, I believe that some prefer to stick to the on-topic related discussions.


And Groovy. I hold no grudge against you ¬

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Well like I said, I respect the admins decision on the mods chosen, I just wouldn't mind the odd post in the harbor, so we know who they are, and even a "hi I'm *insert name* I come from *insert place* I'm a mod here if you have any problems/questions feel free to PM me" Because, and I don't know about anyone else, until the topics started getting closed I hardly saw any of the mods posting, and now that 3 Monkey Island forums have been merged it's all slightly overwhelming, the old EMI forum is set in its ways as I'm sure many of my old fellow board members will back me up on, and now we have new people from other forums, who are most likely set in their ways as well, so I think there's probably some sort of confusion

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I thought I had introduced myself, sorry if you missed it. I post stuff in the Harbour every now and again, but mostly I just tend to read stuff. I’ve got into a nasty habit of not replying unless I have something good to say. Perhaps you would have seen me post if people who stop spamming.


But I mean really people, can’t we just stop all this fighting please?

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scabb, thanks for the forgiveness, that's been bugging me for a while now, this beer is on me... really! Thanks. :):guiness:


Natty, you hold a very valid question to which I have no answer. I do know that the Harbor, is not the first forum where that question has popped up. It has also happened in JKII. Unfortunately, sometimes the mods dissapear at some point, and usually after they get "replaced", they suddenly come back, they get reinstated, and then there are too many mods. I feel that question would be best answered by Metallus. Don't quote me on this, but I THINK he picked the mods for the harbor. At any rate he is best suited to answer that question.


Natty, about the guidline issue, I totally understand where you are coming from, I think some sort of guidline thread stuck at the top of the harbor, would help you guys out alot, in fact I support that 100%. Most forums I know, do have them. Now originally I posted a list of rules, that I THOUGHT, was the standard rules for all of LucasForums in general, because they use the same list at countless sections within LF, but I was proven wrong, so that list is now bogus, and I apologize for that. Once again, I am sorry, I was wrong. I would encourage you PM Metallus with your question.


As a side note, Natty, I know you never called me a Nazi, that was directed at others, so I hope that clears that up as well. No hard feelings ok?


The only thing I am guilty of, was bringing the topics in question to attention in other private and non-private areas within LF, looking back, I never should have done that, and I am eternally sorry for what I did. I do NOT have the ability to ban people or close topics in the Harbor. I can only close topics in the forums I am assigned too. Indirectly I am just as responsible as Obi, for simply bringing it to his attention. It is also very unclear at this point what mods, and supermods are supposed to do outside of our assigned areas. It is more clear for regular mods like me, since we know what forums we are assigned too, but in the case of supermods, such as Obi-wan13, they have the ability to go into any forum lock threads. Obi thought he was doing the right thing, and apparently he was wrong as well. I never meant for this to grow into the ugly thing that it did. Once again, I apologize for all of this.


As far as I know for now, the whole Harbor issue has been resolved and the fighting has stopped. I had a nice long chat with Obi, and Metallus last nite, and Metallus cleared up what we should and should not do, because he is superior to all of us. Everything is cool now, and it will stay that way for good. :cool:

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Originally posted by Scabb

The pictures were hardly pornographic, and it has been stated that you can see worse in the adverts at the...


I seriously expected this all to stop after this post (which was why I puposefully didn't post after it). Oh how naive I was.


But whatever, I for one would like to stand up for mymipage because I have seen him posting in the Forum feedback Center (mainly in the BSBC part of it as that is where he came from). There he has said welcome and all that and while I can't say he posts regularily, I really think that he does his best at doing what he was always meant to do, post stuff about BSBC. He has no reason to come to the harbour and so doesn't. Would be nice if he did, but he doesn't. That's just the way some people work.

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