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Guns are the most important weapon in jk :p

How raven or lucasarts didnt show any screenshots of the GUNS?

What kind of guns will they include?I hope it as powerful as the weapons in jk2. :):D And itd be nice if we can throw the saber much faster and more accurate.

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I was kinda dissapointed there were almost no guns in the trailer, too, but I bet there be more guns in the next trailer. I can guess what two of the guns are:


1. Some kinda Blastech similar to Han Solo´s Blastech DL-44.


2. Reapeter Blaster E-11.


I really hope they won't include any weapon like the Flechette, it doesn't belong in a Star Wars game.

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So far, we know that these guns will probably be returning (from various sources)...


1. Hand blaster - now confirmed by that trailer as being a Blastech DL-44

2. Blaster rifle - I would doubt that would be the E-11, as that's mostly an Imperial weapon...but it could be.

3. Wookiee bowcaster

4. Imperial repeater

5. Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse gun - the DEMP2, in other words, so I suspect there are droid enemies.


I can't find the link at the moment, but I know I got that information from somewhere (probably a PC mag article).


Anyway, there will be 2 more weapons than JO's arsenal, at the moment. That's all subject to change. They may decide to remove some and add others...


Personally, I wouldn't care at all if they ditch the Heavy Repeater, Flechette and Missile Launcher altogether. Just bring back the concussion rifle, and leave the trip mines/sequencer charges/thermal dets in there.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

2. Blaster rifle - I would doubt that would be the E-11, as that's mostly an Imperial weapon...but it could be.


Well, since we see Imperial Snowtroopers in the trailer, I asume they use the E-3 Blaster Rifle.. could be something elese of course, but I actually like the E-3 Blaster. :D

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Originally posted by Prime

While guns are important, it has been reported that the focus of the this game will be on the lightsaber, more so than previous games.


Yes it has, and yes it will...and that is why I'm still marginally confused by Raven's decision to increase the arsenal in Jedi Academy, rather than reduce it. I must admit that in the later sections of JO, I did rely more on Force and lightsaber, and only switched back to guns for specific types of hits, notably ranged attacks.


I can see that lots of guns will be needed in MP...but not necessarily in SP. I guess we'll have to wait and see the reason why, and how it pans out.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I must admit that in the later sections of JO, I did rely more on Force and lightsaber, and only switched back to guns for specific types of hits, notably ranged attacks.

I thought this was a little wierd too...
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In Single Player the lightsaber should be the dominant weapon of focus. Obviously guns will be there for variety. In Multiplayer guns should be dominant; Raven should not deviate from this like they did in JK2.


There was an E-11 Blaster, pistol-like weapon, and that seems to be it in the trailer. Weapons that I want to see . . . .


1. Detonation packs/trip mines

2. Tenloss sniper rifle

3. Some sort of shotgun weapon found in the Star Wars universe (particularly some from the trilogy)

4. Some heavy weapons like the repeater and rocket launcher but the flechette was a spammed weapon, if they want to do anything they should create new ammo for it and reduce its total capacity

5. Stronger thermal detonators, i want to be scared by them :p

6. More variety of rifle weapons

7. Bring back the rail detonator to replace the Merr-Sonn rocket launcher

8. Bowcaster

9. Seekers and sentry guns


The conc rifle is a favorite item of JK but it is also a spam weapon. If you had the conc rifle in JK MP, you were almost unstoppable unless taking fire from another conc rifle.


Some MP maps (particularly FFA/TeamFFA)should also be oriented around certain weapons. There should be some sort of sniper map, enclosed map for short range fights, and a large battlefield-like map for long range assaults with heavy weapons and blasters.

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Well, the only "shotgun" I can think of is the repeater from DF.


Anyway, my thoughts are as follows:


1- There should be maps/servers for guns and some for sabers and some for both.


2- The TD should have an effect more like the books; it should make a hot sphere of energy that collapses, only harming those inside, not affecting those outside. I didn't like the TDs from JO.


3- The powerful guns (sniper, conc, etc.) should have specific uses and be difficult to use. This way, you would specialize in a certain gun, like saberers specialize in a certain stance. Counter Strike is a good example of this system, some lpayers are better with rifles, some with sub-machine guns, some with sniper rifles.


4- The guns should be BALANCED. There shouldn't be one all powerful gun, they should all have strengths and weaknesses.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

Well, the only "shotgun" I can think of is the repeater from DF.


Anyway, my thoughts are as follows:


1- There should be maps/servers for guns and some for sabers and some for both.


2- The TD should have an effect more like the books; it should make a hot sphere of energy that collapses, only harming those inside, not affecting those outside. I didn't like the TDs from JO.


3- The powerful guns (sniper, conc, etc.) should have specific uses and be difficult to use. This way, you would specialize in a certain gun, like saberers specialize in a certain stance. Counter Strike is a good example of this system, some lpayers are better with rifles, some with sub-machine guns, some with sniper rifles.


4- The guns should be BALANCED. There shouldn't be one all powerful gun, they should all have strengths and weaknesses.


I agree with everything you just said. I particularly like the maps idea, and having some maps set up for gun-play only. I am hoping that the Siege mode will offer more opportunities for ranged weapons, etc. Also, if it wasn't for lag, I'd probably lean more towards sniping myself...but on my connection it's just not possible. If I can get headshots in SP, and offline, I'll be happy. ;)


And balancing guns is probably number one priority, so there is little spamming of particular weapon types. I have to admit that in UT2K3 the guns feel quite balanced...because I always switch between them a lot while playing. I always use that as a measure of a weapon's usefulness - if I switch to a different weapon for a slightly different situation.

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4- The guns should be BALANCED. There shouldn't be one all powerful gun, they should all have strengths and weaknesses.
You show me a gun you think is all-powerful, and I'll list its weaknesses and how the players have adapted to compensate for them. You show me a game you think has a balanced selection of guns, (that I've played :p) and I'll explain which ones are the most powerful, and why. You see, there's no way, short of making all damage and ammo consumption EXACTLY the same, that you can "balance" a selection of weapons so that they're all equally desirable and/or effective. If you did, then they would all be essentially, the same gun. Maybe the projectiles would look different, but they'd be the same in practice. That would be boring and pointless. Different powered weapons make a map FLOW. Weapons with varying degrees of desirability make people move around in order to collect them, and ammo for them.


I like your idea about TDs though, that might be very interesting.

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Because he likes them, presumably. :D


I like them too. I think the only thing wrong with the FFA dynamic of JO, gun domination and all, was the number of whiney types who frequented the servers for two reasons: To get shot, and to whine about it.

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if they take the the flak cannon and the rocket launcher...

that be freakin lame =/ if that guy is on rage or protect and ur trying to kill him with ur reapeater or whareveer by the time his rage or proetcts wares out so will ur ammo.........

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hAY! Joust cuz he spokes bad inglush dusent meen he ant no gud!


I for one would like to see the guns be more Star Wars-ish and less Unreal/Quake-ish. If we saw different types of blasters, like the backpack mounted ones, or possibly some Fett-style weapons like darts or something that would be better than adding a BFG that makes people age really fast and shoot golden laser beams out of their eyes that spawn demons from hell that hijack spaceships :o . I would very much like to see more believable guns. I thought the sniper rifle was a very good example of this; it fit very well into the Star Wars universe, and the way it was used in SP was very accurate to its in game description. The rocket launcher and flak gun, on the other hand don't make sense. The flak gun in UT fit very well, that was a "dirty" game; searing, painful shrapnel moving at blinding velocities made sense. JA, on the other hand is a "clean" game (probably), meaning that it won't deal with guns that practically torture their victims, but instead kill quickly and silently.



-PS- How 'bout "set for stun" as a secondary function of the blaster rifle. It would be neat to have non-leathal weapons and this could then be incorporated into missions. Just a thought.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

-PS- How 'bout "set for stun" as a secondary function of the blaster rifle. It would be neat to have non-leathal weapons and this could then be incorporated into missions. Just a thought.


While they included the non-lethal stun-baton in JO, it was such a pain to use because you had to be standing next to an enemy to use it. So I'm in total agreement that a ranged stun weapon (like the one we all remember seeing in ANH) is long overdue for an appearance.


Just going around killing anything or anyone that moves against you doesn't seem totally Jedi-like. It would be nice to just have some enemies run away, and to have a stun weapon to deal with others so they can be picked up by New Republic forces afterwards (whether or not you get to see that - it's just a matter of perception). That's not to say I don't want to go around fully armed and dangerous. :D

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

I for one would like to see the guns be more Star Wars-ish and less Unreal/Quake-ish. If we saw different types of blasters, like the backpack mounted ones, or possibly some Fett-style weapons like darts or something that would be better than adding a BFG that makes people age really fast and shoot golden laser beams out of their eyes that spawn demons from hell that hijack spaceships. I would very much like to see more believable guns. I thought the sniper rifle was a very good example of this; it fit very well into the Star Wars universe, and the way it was used in SP was very accurate to its in game description.


I agree with everything. The E-11 was practically crafted directly from the movies. The sniper rifle was also a greatly fabricated weapon taking up on the style of the Star Wars movie weapons. Both were definitely favorites :cool:


GET RID OF Q3 WEAPONS! ITS A STAR WARS GAME! Its not a fragfest unless you want to make it so.

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