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The Laundrymat...

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Seeing how Danyxe Jayde and some of us 'wiley ones' spin things into the gutter on occassion...:D


I thought I might open a thread to air such 'dirty linens' and just generally get more acquainted (not too acquainted - just cozy:D )...


And since we should keep this SWG and it's no secret I have an affinity for the "finer points of indulgence" (read: all things intoxicating)...;)


I would like to announce my plans to run a brothel when I settle on Correllia...


Now, I know what your thinking...

Yeah, yeah, DirtyWombat and all things filthy and such...



I mean a serious place with the intention of resting the wearied intergalactic traveler...


People chat, joke, get acquianted, and if the mood suits dip into the gutter (just not to far - gotta keep the floors clean)...


Just as long as no one offends...

What's the harm...???



Here it is...


Welcome to DirtyWombat's





It would probably be a good idea to have some "guidelines" (not rules - that's too harsh - but something)


1. Post freely - but keep it clean(er)

Not sparkling white, mind you... But also not that sludgy black color on the back of a bus... Somewhere between will do...:D


2. Address your posts

Make sure the person your talking too is the person you wanted to talk to... Otherwise barfights start (see next guideline)...


3. Keep barfights down

A barfight is when a conversation gets wildy out of hand... Somebody be the better man/woman/thing and make nice-nice...:D


*last one*

4. No Pimpin'

Does this need an explaination...???:D




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I think Intergalactic Pimp is one of the add on professions for the space expansion. Also planning on adding a wide array of purple and leopard print clothes. Finally they will also expand the artisan tree to allow for gold chain making and image designer will get the make gold capped teeth skill.


You should try to hire Tango(TM me) and Thongo(TM Set) Phett to bring some real class to your joint!



Just some helpful info.



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Originally posted by Krymelord

I think Intergalactic Pimp is one of the add on professions for the space expansion. Also planning on adding a wide array of purple and leopard print clothes. Finally they will also expand the artisan tree to allow for gold chain making and image designer will get the make gold capped teeth skill.


You should try to hire Tango(TM me) and Thongo(TM Set) Phett to bring some real class to your joint!



Just some helpful info.







I love the suggestions...!!!


An establishment of such nature could *definately* use some protection...:D


If from nothing other than itself...:D




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Hey nice idea. :D Also woudn't this be better in the off topic forum. Just a thought, but since it is related to Swg, then it is in the right forum i think. :D


So i can relax now *Dumps belt on floor*


Anyone got any questions for me ask away. :)

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

Hey nice idea. :D Also woudn't this be better in the off topic forum. Just a thought, but since it is related to Swg, then it is in the right forum i think. :D


So i can relax now *Dumps belt on floor*


Anyone got any questions for me ask away. :)


I got one...


Dude, I dig the fact that you're on like *all the time*...!!!:D


How do you manage that...???


Me... I'm connected to a fibernet all day for work and blatently disregard my projects...


How do you manage to squeeze out here that much at 13...???




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i dont know if u can call that a brothel...

cuz in brothels they actually DO eachother...goto a place in Nevada, if they haven't closed it down yet heh heh.

it would be a great bar tho...

and i guess the only way u could make it truly a brothel is if ppl are making the player animations make sexually suggestive moves while the other guy is typing with "one hand" LOL

i dunno about all that one hand typing stuff...

but it would be a great bar without that ish

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Well people. I am a pc junkie, im addicted to the things. And addicted to the swg forums, im so dedicated this forum itself.


Swg general discussion is my homepage. :eek: I get up each morning at 6am to check the forums, and i am always late for school as im too busy posting. :D


I think that sums it up. ;)

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Originally posted by sexxxy_mark


i dont know if u can call that a brothel...

cuz in brothels they actually DO eachother...goto a place in Nevada, if they haven't closed it down yet heh heh.

it would be a great bar tho...

and i guess the only way u could make it truly a brothel is if ppl are making the player animations make sexually suggestive moves while the other guy is typing with "one hand" LOL

i dunno about all that one hand typing stuff...

but it would be a great bar without that ish




You are correct true nature of a brothel...:D


Perhaps we should consider it a Symbolic Brothel, where people can get a bit more randy than in the general population...:D


That way those inspired can vent any such angst in the presence of other like minded (read: slightly twisted) companions, instead of in more "passionately restrained" threads...:D



And and Nevada *really is* the Den of Iniquity... :D






Well people. I am a pc junkie, im addicted to the things. And addicted to the swg forums, im so dedicated this forum itself. Swg general discussion is my homepage. I get up each morning at 6am to check the forums, and i am always late for school as im too busy posting.


I think that sums it up.






That's what I dig about you man...!!!:D




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Originally posted by setsuko

So, Wombat, if I understand you correctly, you are aiming at a seedy bar/singles bar, not a brothel? ;)



That'll do...!!!


Heavy petting...

Bad pick up lines...

Dim lighting...

Velvet furniture...


...and if some were to say...

...sneak off alone somewhere...

...who's to judge...???:D




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Originally posted by Wraith 8

uhmmm im not sure i understand the use of this thread... and i must agree with reaper that this thread is better suited in the off topic forums.






moved.... there much better :D



Now that's just not fair...:D


I mean...

A brothel on the seedy outskirts of a SWG town is equally as respectable as a cantina...


Wouldn't you agree...???:D


It also serves as a medium for more enlightened (read: randy) audiences to discuss racier topics without diluting other's threads with our penchant for multi-literal observances...:D




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I bet Lucas wouldn't approve of brothels, however, if they were incorporated in-game, I say they should heal battle fatigue the way the dancers and musicians do.


:deathii: omagawd, look out, it's the AT&T deathstar!

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Oh and why the two accounts? Has to do with a naming problem in beta. I was Danyx, then Danyxe, and now I'm Danyx again.


I plan on being Danyx Jayde in game. THIS is the account I will stick too, so feel free to donate your points here

{insert pirate smile here}

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