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What Button Configuration Do You Play JK2 With...?

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Hi There,


Im a newbie to the game and everybody seems to be kicking my arse. The Problem Is I cant find a good Controller Configuration so i would like to know other people's so I can hopefully have a better experience at playing the game and maybe kick sum arse too.






BTW: If You Use Any Kind of special Devices (E.G. Joystick) Then Tell ME about those too

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I use a keyboard and a mouse. I set Mouse 1 to Prim.Fire., Mouse 2 to Sec.Fire., and the roller to change saber stance.


I use the WASD for movement, Ctrl for crouch, Shift for jump. I use Space for walk/run (set to always run), E to use, and I have my force powers in the default mode. If you have a roller on your mouse, you may want to set change weapon or change force to it.

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from my autoexec.cfg file



// Force Powers


bind BACKSPACE "force_healother"

bind SPACE "force_heal"

bind HOME "force_speed"

bind PGUP "force_seeing"

bind END "force_pull"

bind PGDN "force_throw"

bind DEL "force_absorb"


// Movement & Attack


bind UPARROW "+forward"

bind DOWNARROW "+back"

bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"

bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"

bind KP_MINUS "weapon 1" (draw/undraw saber)

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "+altattack"

bind Q "weapprev"

bind MOUSE3 "weapnext"

bind SHIFT "+speed" (walk while key depressed)

bind CTRL "weapnext"

bind ENTER "+attack"

bind KP_DEL "+movedown" (crouch)

bind KP_INS "+moveup" (jump)

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

I use a keyboard and a mouse. I set Mouse 1 to Prim.Fire., Mouse 2 to Sec.Fire., and the roller to change saber stance.


I use the WASD for movement, Ctrl for crouch, Shift for jump. I use Space for walk/run (set to always run), E to use, and I have my force powers in the default mode. If you have a roller on your mouse, you may want to set change weapon or change force to it.


I use the same thing :)


Great minds think alike.

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I mostly duel, so this layout works okay, even though it looks a little crazy:


Mouse1 - attack

Mouse2 - saberattackcycle

Mouse3 - altattack


MWheelUp - forcepush

MwheelDown - weapon1 (saber)


Home - forward

End - back

Delete - moveleft

PageDown - moveright

Enter - crouch

KP0 - jump


I use the rest of the keypad for nifty non-move scripts I made. The number keys above the letters are all the weapons. The F keys are all the force powers. And all the letterkeys are bound to phrase taunts that begin with that letter.

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OK mine uses a joystick (MS Sidewinder)


I put the stick in the left hand (OMG!!! Left hand?!?! Blasphemer!)

and have the trigger as Fire 1 (duh) Big button on top as Fire 2, Button 3 on the top left as activate (dont use dat much in multi but who cares) and 4 as the jump. The 4 buttons on the base of the stick are irrelevant because the other hand is on the MOUSE....


Ok for the mouse i have the left-clicker as NEXT FORCE POWER (its actually pretty quick to cycle, better get it the 1st time though or youre possibly toast) and right-clicker as crouch (for all those nifty rolls and hiding). For the wheel, i have press-wheel set as USE FORCE POWER and scrolling the wheel for prev.-next weapon.


This config OwNz for gunning, note the other guys all had change saber style in theirs...


A slight problem can be items (Bacta, Sentry, Forcefield, etc) because u have to waste precious milliseconds reeeeeeaching all the way over to the [, ], and B keys. i suppose i should fix dat.


Oh ya on the joystick AXES (X, Y, Throttle) i have up/down as forward/back (duh) and left/right as STRAFE (SIDESTEP). this is ok because u use the mouse to turn and look up/down. if u got a throttle dont assign it to anything as you will have your other hand on the mouse.


Oh and keep playin cause n00bs have a tendency to kick *** after a few months' worth of games.

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