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Finding Nemo PS2

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I rented Finding Nemo the video game for PS2 last Tuesday. I wanted to rent Enter the Matrix, but (go-figure) both Blockbuster and Hollywood Video were both out of the title (and they had like 20 copies of it!). So...on my 5 day weekend off between diapering and matthew going through teething I was able to win the game. It was pretty easy w/ its challenges on the level of a 3? It didn't take me more than a couple of tries to figure out the puzzles....but I guess that's what you get for renting a kids game. The graphics are beautiful nonetheless, there are (i'm pretty sure - can't remember) roughly 18 levels plus each level has about 2-5 bonus levels. I was a little tired of the swimming through the rings thing throughout the game, and had flashbacks to Spyro ETD...but that's like most of those games. Anyways, the cut scenes were awesome and now unfortunately I know the WHOLE storyline and even the ending of the Finding Nemo Movie, but from what I saw...looks like a great movie Coming Out!!



Counts down till Friday...

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Wow...wow...*downloads Enter The Matrix* That's amazing! 1 million copies in a single day? Wow...I really didn't think The Matrix Reloaded wasn't that good. I found some parts confusing or prolonged...yes the fight between Neo vs. Clones of Agent Smith was too long. The "Creator" meeting was long and hard to understand and they dropped it at the end! It wasn't like the Lord of the Rings FotR because if you read the book, you were expecting it. They just...left everyone hanging!

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Man, your a big Disney person, huh? I used to be, but either:

a) i grew older, and it didn't seem as good.

b) The movies are just getting much worse.




They've gotten worse. :( Many of them have, anyways.



Finding Nemo (the movie) has been getting GREAT reviews! Out of something like 130 I've seen ONE negative review. :)

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I saw the movie Friday night. It was great! Very funny and just a nice movie period. It was the first good disney movie I've seen since Lilo and Stitch. Even Stitch was not even half the movie Lion King was. Hey the Lion King is going to be coming out on SE DVD! I think, October. Anyways, Finding Nemo was a great movie. The short in the very beginning of the movie was hillarious!

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