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Should you be able to keep prisoners in SWG?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Should you be able to keep prisoners in SWG?

    • YES!
    • NO!

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I say no because if you were captured you would just sit around all day and that wouldn't be fun. Also how would that work there's really no point. People already die. The yes part is that would be realistic and it would kind of be fun trying to escape. But I said NO!

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Originally posted by StarCords

HELL NO! Who the hell pays 10 bucks a month to sit in a prison cell?


EDIT: Sorry if I offended you, I just despise the idea.


Maybe there could be some system where you would only be in a prison for a day or two. I just think there should be some other way of punishment when you are defeated in battle then having to search for your corpse.

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It would be fun to capture NPC's that you incapacitate and thenm hold them in a cell for ransom or hold them for someone else to pick up.


If you had this system though.. you would have to give the person in the cell the option of suiciding to respawn and also let them make one call to someone to break them out or pay their ransom ;)


However, it could obviously be very frustrating for the person being held and this is probably why it will be left out ! :rolleyes:

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I say yes............picture this........you are taken prisoner by storm trooper...........your PA or friend/s now have a mission.........badda bing badda boom you're in you're out.........think of how much publicity your PA will gain for storming an Imperial Prison..........it will be like the Bastille.


Also say you are a bounty hunter and you get a job....but the job giver wants the person alive........it would be nice to restrain the bounty till you get it back to the hirer.


I kind of played off what Dr. Zaius said..............sorry :(




or..........maybe someone would just pay bail


Note: Isaac if you are taken prisoner i ain't paying nothing........you better find your own way out :)

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Me or Isaac? If me, I really didn't mean to offend you, I just disagree with your idea. I'm sorry if I did offend you.


EDIT: Darn you deleted your post and now I look like an idiot. Oh well, I'll leave this one up just in case you were offended by me.

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I think they won't have prisoners in SWG, because if you kill somebody without a reason, you are banned from the town you killed the guy for two days. (Real time.) Also banned from the nearest town you killed the guy. Once you kill a guy or steal or comit a crime of some sort. You must have a reason.

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hahaha, poor isaac... he get's picked on alot.


back to the topic, (i'm just repeating what everyone has already said) i think prisoners would be a good idea... to an extent. Rescuing people from prison camps and stuff would be good, but if you're a n00b and getting caught, no one with highers skills will always come to your rescue. On the other hand with you capturing npcs and other players would be fun... better than killing them and then having them come back after they've been cloned. Just letting them rot in a cell would be amusing.

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Well, for player being captured, no. It's simly not fun.


For playing taking NPCs captive in missions, yes. All we need is some way to drag them home after incapacitating them, instead of doing a killing blow.


NPCs being captive exists already (as you said, Patman, it has been in the videos the devs released). You can both get missions to get captives who has escaped, and missions where you free captives, all depending on your characters affiliations.

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My take, so long as the prisons/jails/holding cells have some sort of interactive RP or games, I don't care, just put a limit on it. Three days or so was standard in MUSHes. I actually think it adds a new dimension to the game. WHo was that who said it wouldn't fit? Remember Leia in A New Hope? Han in RotJ? I would think that would be so cool to be arrested by a squad of STs and interrogated.

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Originally posted by ShadowGecko

hahaha, poor isaac... he get's picked on alot.


back to the topic, (i'm just repeating what everyone has already said) i think prisoners would be a good idea... to an extent. Rescuing people from prison camps and stuff would be good, but if you're a n00b and getting caught, no one with highers skills will always come to your rescue. On the other hand with you capturing npcs and other players would be fun... better than killing them and then having them come back after they've been cloned. Just letting them rot in a cell would be amusing.


No he doesn't get picked on, he just breaks the rules all the time. :)


And i think breaking out NPCs would be fun, like we saw in that blaster video. :D

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Prisoners is a bad idea for a publicly released online game plain and simple. People will not want to be captured and imprisoned for any reason. Despite any romantic images you may have of a rescue, real prisons in SW were heavily armed garrisons with 1000s of stormtroopers and gun placements and high securty to prevent people from escaping. If prisons existed, it couldn't be possible to enjoy it. You would sit in your cell for 5 hours and be whispering your friend who is supposed to come rescue you but then he would get caught too and it would just waste everyone's time. And then of course there would be those jerk PCs who would get their jollies by guarding a prison to MAKE SURE no one can be rescued. I assure you if people are paying monthly for this game they will not stand for being imprisoned.

For once think outside "how cool it would be" in your mind and realize realistically the concept is just a bad idea. I am flabbergasted that when I voted in this poll 6 people think it is a good idea. Come on people! Think really how dumb it would be!


(Sorry got a lil angry but this is seriously a terrible idea for a game and I feel strongly that it isn't a good concept. I would expect more thought out ideas for SWG coming from this message board.)

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Originally posted by ShadowGecko

Would anyone be able to tell me what this blaster video is...


is it one of the gameplay movies... or something else




It's one of the gameplay videos. Try googling it, or looking on lucasarts.com. :)

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sorry to be asking about this again, but is it one of the two game play movies out already... because i got a link with all these wallpapers and two official videos. Is the "blaster" bit where they are all firing across the desert or something. thanks in advance to anyone who can help. I just don't want to be missing out.

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Don't know anything about a blaster video, but I would like to comment on the whole prisoner idea...


All players should have to be PVP in order to get captured. And furthermore if someone is captured and they have insurance.........give yourself the ol' self induced killin'. Clones are wonderful.

I do not endorse suicide. But, problem solved.


btw I fixed the link in my page, which now gives a more complete bio.

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