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The Matrix Online


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I found this whilst looking round the matrix website,it sounds really cool :)


In 2004 the matrix will become a reality, as gamers everywhere will be able to log into the matrix online and continue the matrix film trilogy.


Players of the matrix online will inhabit an enormous urban sprawl,which spreads for miles in all directions.There are subways,nightclubs,skyscrapers and dark alleys that all seem normal on the surface,but beneath this urban exterior,a secret war is being waged for the survival of humanity and machine alike.Here,you and many operatives like yourself, will determine who shall inherit the earth.



Gameplay Highlights


Dozens of weapons and martial arts maneuvers that capture the "wire fu" Matrix experience


Read the rest of the discription here and the faq

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Originally posted by BLaCKouT_1138

Haven't checked the link, but will this be like a Matrix version of Galaxies?


In that, will they be wanting a subs fee for it? (damn you luca$harts)


EDIT: Hmmm, they aren't saying yet. It still sounds better than Galaxies though, I gotta say!





Lets hope there is no fee.... :(

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Are there any good MMORPGs out there that are free?


Come on guys... there's going to be a fee. They're out for profit - entertaining the masses is a nice side effect.


What I find interesting is that it's set after The Matrix Revolutions, yet the Matrix still exists and the struggle continues... what does that say about the end of Revolutions?

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I think it would be cool if it had a real world side...the real world being a Majestic like simulation. Maybe even the possibility to hack into the matrix, sort of like the hack mode in Enter the Matrix.


Unfortunately they said on the site it will be inside the Matrix only :(

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