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Kaiser Spaso

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i have a crazy idea and it is most likely never going to happen because of the complex features but............i think it would be so awesome to eventually be able to play in coruscant......it would be so amazing....but i read somewhere once that the devs won't put it in because it is way to difficult to get every detail down :(

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It would be amazing and that's the truth...but it's a city planet...there is no free form terrain to take up half the planet space and make it easier on the comp rendering time. It would have to be linear to let someone even go on Coruscant because of it's vastness.


Plus I don't think there would be very many big land battles with AT-ATs or AT-STs with hundreds of rebels and hundreds of Imperials throwing themselves at one another. It would just be too hard to mess with.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

It would be amazing and that's the truth...but it's a city planet...there is no free form terrain to take up half the planet space and make it easier on the comp rendering time. It would have to be linear to let someone even go on Coruscant because of it's vastness.


Plus I don't think there would be very many big land battles with AT-ATs or AT-STs with hundreds of rebels and hundreds of Imperials throwing themselves at one another. It would just be too hard to mess with.


We have got coriella though, which is like Coruscants brother. Which is also mind blowing, so looks like coriella will be the closest thing to coruscant. :)

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

We have got coriella though, which is like Coruscants brother. Which is also mind blowing, so looks like coriella will be the closest thing to coruscant. :)


Not exactly...

There are probably plenty of wilderness areas on Corellia. And in SWG we know this to be true. I was reading through the IGN Vault and came across a story of a man traveling for several days going from one city to Coronet across the wilderness without a shuttle. On Coruscant you couldn't do that except in rare incedences. The highest mountains on Coruscant are covered in buildings. Thousands of stories high, building built upon building built upon building...now that would be insane to try to render.


Corellia maybe the closest thing to Coruscant in the game...but it doesn't begin to hold up in comparison.

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I was reading through the IGN Vault and came across a story of a man traveling for several days going from one city to Coronet across the wilderness without a shuttle.


I read that too, it was pretty cool.


To spend "days" travelling on foot, on a settled planet will be cool. Imaginge the not-so-settled ones!!!!:)

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If you were a rebel, you would be dead in a week or less, because the Galactic Empire's headquarters are on the planet. Besides the emperor live there, and he will find you. And the emperor is soo powerful that he create force storms on command.(An extremely hard force use. Only the most powerful could barely do it. The storm makes a tornado and is 10 times more powerful than a wind driven tornado. Yoda is not powerful enough to do this. Only the emperor is known to do this successfully.)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Not exactly...

There are probably plenty of wilderness areas on Corellia. And in SWG we know this to be true. I was reading through the IGN Vault and came across a story of a man traveling for several days going from one city to Coronet across the wilderness without a shuttle. On Coruscant you couldn't do that except in rare incedences. The highest mountains on Coruscant are covered in buildings. Thousands of stories high, building built upon building built upon building...now that would be insane to try to render.


Corellia maybe the closest thing to Coruscant in the game...but it doesn't begin to hold up in comparison.


I didn't mean it like that, i meant little things. And can i have a link to this info, i want to brush up on my knowledge. :)

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Okay, let me go down the list.


I love the idea of adding Coruscant, but it is doubtful it would happen.


The devs have been trying to keep a high level of realism in comparison to the SW universe, as they have said countless times. The level of detail involved in Coruscant would require far too many servers for the addition of said planet to be profitable.


Keep in mind, Coruscant is a mutli-tiered planet. What you have seen is barely a scratch on the surface of Coruscant. Those buildings you see are over a mile high. The bottom is where the real action is. For realism, three full levels would need to be made...at least!


Vehicles in game? This could never be made in this game without somehow losing the strenuous effect Episode II created. I guess it could be done, but the weaving in and out of trafic would be next to impossible to add. Same goes for ships, not to mention that nearly every building has it's own landing pad. How could that be added in game?


The planet would be all Imperial, the devs have specified that they chose the planets they have because they are contested. Coruscant is not contested.


There are a million more reasons why this won't be added, but hey, maybe the devs do feel like losing money on the ten servers it would take to keep Coruscant up and running.

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