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one thing about telemarketers here is that people who call my region are either from the United States or from Toronto. In other words, where the chances that the telemarketer is french are slim to none.


So when they try saying either my last name (Jacques) or my mom's maiden name (Lévesque) they have trouble.


I just answear: "I'm sorry there is nobody here by that name. There IS however someone by the name of Jacques/Lévesque"




"You want to talk to my parents? Sorry cant help there. I myself would like to talk to them, but I havent seen them since the left for their vacation four months ago. they said they would be back. so if you do reach them... can you tell them jimmy cant find his pants."


one of my friends was a telemarketer. he didnt care it was a job. he said at the work place there is a note in every cubical which says you are NOT allowed to joke around or modify your voice.... obviously he didnt care. He talked with a JFK accent or made up some stupid things. once a girl tried switching the conversation into an adult chat phone line as a joke. My friend played with it and she hanged up right away!

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Oh, we've got interesting ways of keeping the boredom away.


"Ja, hello? My name ist Wolfgang (pronounce Vulfgaaang), und I'm cauuulling from zee BBM Buerau of Mezurment, zee raaadio raaatings companie... Zees is just a qvick nunty seconde cauuul vunderingk if you vere interesteed in participating in our raaadio raaatings sourveh."


I've perfected 12 different accents and dialects (russian, german, scottish, french [and not a corny accent... A legitimate one I've had frenchman switch to french on me and left me a bit messed up before my 12 years of advanced french kicks in... I usually save it for calls to the States], aussie, english, and horribly canadian (eh?) just to name a few.


I spent a night calling myself "Wolfcock" (used with the german accent, sounds like "Vulfcaulk") on a bet. Easiest $500 I've ever made. You only had to say it once per call, and and once you moved past the first 10 seconds (and into the final 80), it was forgotten. Great cash, great fun. Enumerations are the only projects I actually enjoy. The calls really do only take 90 seconds, though we tell the new kids to say two minutes until they can consistantly break 80 seconds. I set a company record by averaging 45 seconds per call over 12 hours.

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i can do a lot of accents too. Both in french and english.


in french i can do:

italien, german, mexican and american.


in english i can do:

southern states, quebecer, spanish, russian, scotish, british and arabian.


i only use them for commical situation thought. i've herd people use them as insults and slurs which is just annoying. I'll ask my friend if there are any other funny stories that i could pass on here.

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Oh, and a quick warning to all you would-be telemarketer harassers...


A girl at my call center got a guy charged with harassment, and sued for emotional damages, and the cost of therapy because he called her a "f**king ****" when she called him. Total cost to him: Jail time, $125,000, and fun trying to get a decent job (lost his old one) with harassment on his criminal record.




I'd like to go on record as being against this, though. At least the sueing. However, the harassment charge I agree with completely.


So next time you feel like telling off a telemarketer, ask yourself, "Can I afford to pay for their therapy?"

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Not really. I was encouraged to pursue legal action after that guy made the comment about my girlfriend, but I didn't, because I find person revenge is much more satisfying than money.


It's the industry's way of protecting it's workers. I don't like it, but if *******s start losing money and getting jail time for bugging telemarketers, then maybe people won't be such SOB's to us.

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I usually say, "now is not a good time, could I get your home phone number and call you back around dinner time?"


Yes, I lifted that from Seinfeld, because Seinfeld is God!:D


The one that really busts my chops, is when a recorded message calls you and puts you on hold, those I hang up on right away.

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