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do you think that in JKA the light side be improved?  

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  1. 1. do you think that in JKA the light side be improved?

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yes i agree with you entirely.


the force isn't distinguished as many think it is "dark jedi shoots, light blocks".


its how you USE it. yoda said "you must never use the force to attack, only defend". this is a statement that imho people have interpreted the wrong way.


lets think hypothetically here. if i had a gun and a murderer ran at me and i shot him, i killed in defense. being the defender does not imply anything pacifistic, simply that you are the subject to an aggresser. we've seen light siders use dark powers and dark siders use light powers (Vader uses protect in Ep 5)


..... so i say GO the MOTS system :cool:

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hello again


i guess the main thing i feel is wrong with the mp mode atm is the that they achive balance in CERTAIN MODES!. this i think is the incorrect means of doing it. they make each side stronger in different game modes, like light is renoun for sucking in duels, yet is good for CTF.


imho i think that if they achieved balance so both sides were equal in just the duel and FFA and TDM modes, then i think that everything else would fall into place. I think trying to suit all modes really just makes it too hard for the makers.


and example is a TDM or DM, when saber only is on. if you happen to get gripped with guns around its kinda funny pulling out a gun and shooting em (hehehe). but if you get drained, or are just low on force (maybe from healing) then you get gripped, you have no way of fighting back as you don't have enough force for absorb or saber throw, and you remain helpless to be chopped or run out of hp. there is probably a counter to this specific eg, that i probably know about, however one does learn not to get into the situation where you are low on force, just comes with practise. but the eg reflects a one sided advantage. this was just a simple eg that bothered me as a newbie (which was LONG ago before you gob off again prime ;) hehhe jk mate)


and before you say so, yes there are such eg's for the darkside, however, i find them slightly less severe.

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Correct me if I'm wrong here, but on the issue of light siders never using offensive powers, the whole 'knowledge and defense' deal, doesn't Luke force choke two of Jabba's guards on his way into the palace in Return of the Jedi? If not, he definitely did something that at least seemed like some sort of attack. I could be mistaken.

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Originally posted by JediLurker

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but on the issue of light siders never using offensive powers, the whole 'knowledge and defense' deal, doesn't Luke force choke two of Jabba's guards on his way into the palace in Return of the Jedi? If not, he definitely did something that at least seemed like some sort of attack. I could be mistaken.


No offense intended, JediLurker, but have you heard the expression 'RTFM'? Change the M to a T for thread, and then say 'aahhhh!' Then do it ;) There was a lot of discussion of that earlier on. You just need the patience to work through the thread.


Yolkboy - if you don't have MotS - GET IT!!! You can get it off eBay for a few dollars. What, you want my copy? NFW!!! :)


[edit] Here's a link I just found - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3532722875&category=11047 ends Friday afternoon (July 4th). Gets you JK & MotS and TPM game.



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Originally posted by JediLurker

My bad. I overlooked that part, and I did read the thread. Just missed some of it. No need to get worked up about it. Here, have a cookie. :p


Not worked up at all. Just that RTFM has been so commonly used in the groups I've dealt with through the years, but I've also people use it like a hammer, and others take it badly, so I wanted to provide some context so you would know I wasn't being irritable (even putting a smiley there). Oops ... didn't work ...


Thanks for the cookie ... urp ... excuse me.



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Originally posted by txa1265

No offense intended, JediLurker, but have you heard the expression 'RTFM'? Change the M to a T for thread, and then say 'aahhhh!' Then do it ;) There was a lot of discussion of that earlier on. You just need the patience to work through the thread.


Yolkboy - if you don't have MotS - GET IT!!! You can get it off eBay for a few dollars. What, you want my copy? NFW!!! :)

Hehe... I guess I have to look around. What does RTFM mean? and RTFT?

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Originally posted by yolkboy

Hehe... I guess I have to look around. What does RTFM mean? and RTFT?


Read The ... errm ... Manual




Read The ... errm ... Thread.


And, in case you were wondering, NFW is not Northen Fort Worth in Texas, it is No ... errm ... Way.





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but if he missed the first half of the thread he is still entitled to state his opinion.


and yes, i agree with you man, the lightside defensiveness is very twisted, despite evidence of jedi using dark powers...


all i really want is "force reflect", coz i think light jedi using grip and sith using protect in mp is a bit far, but reflect may as well be in there. peeps say only yoda has been seen to use reflect, however, in mp EVERY player who uses lightning can eminate a fan as LARGE AS THE EMPIRORS!!! while we are on the topic of rediculasness, we saw dooku, the APPRENTICE of the sithlord, and a jedi for many years (who is FAAAAR from weak and unknowledgable of the force) used lightning and it was a single stream. it doesn't BOTHER me that in mp all have an Sideous style lightning! im just saying, who cares if it aint 100% movies, its just cool and gives character ;)

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  • 8 months later...

I think that certain powers should be usless against jedi, grip and mind trick namely. It makes no sense that powers used on the "weak and weak-minded" should affect fully trained force users. As for there being an absorb and reflect power I think that should be an expensive thing to have because you are walking the edge between dark and light. Also rage should not make people invinsible and the light side should have a power that boosts their sabering ability. Also I think you should be able to hold down the button on push or pull and have a continuous affect, like dragging someone backward a ways or holding someone against a wall. Just my two cents.

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Here's an idea. How about if players could pick to be either lightside or darkside, but could still pick powers from the other side at an increased cost?


Just an idea.


To the basics of it, I like using Lightside powers just fine as they are. It does seem like mindtrick still works on lightsiders using Force Absorb, and that does not make any sense, though maybe I'm mistaken and it doesn't work when Force Absorb is being used.


As for grip, well I'm certain that does not work while Force Absorb is in effect, much to the chagrin of many darkside players. Force Absorb seems to be the Great Equalizer of Force Powers, though there are a bunch of ideas well worth considering in this thread.


I've never played MoTS, I'd like to see how Force Powers were handled there. I've got the game now, and plan to play it as soon as I finish DFII:JK. Maybe that'll show me some better ideas.

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Ya it would be cool if you could combine light and dark powers, like in single player.


Anyway, i think light and dark are prety balanced, no need for changing that, unless some NEW powers are add =) ......................................................... =( jk4

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