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Buildings That we Own


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Originally posted by Damarius

Does anyone know the maximum number of building that we can own? I know that everything that we build atrributes to our max including houses and faction buildings.


You get a certain set of land at the start, then i think you can buy land if you have enough money and based on certain conditions. :)

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Since there is a limited amount of land that players will be allowed to build on (for obvious reasons such as overcrowding and general asthetics), and because the developers want to be sure that everyone has the opportunity to build if they want to, each player is allocated a certain number of plots of land. How much these cost, and when they will be available I dont know. I think maybe it'll work something like every player will be able to get enough land to build a house then perhaps certain land will become available for shops as one progresses up the merchant skill tree. Same thing for bases. I'm guessing these plots of land might come available as "faction bonuses" or something. But this is all speculation, so we'll see. :)

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At least 6 of the planets will include vast buildable areas. Each planet is the size of the whole EQ map. I doubt land lots will be a rare thing. Naturally, the really sweet spots will be taken. But there'll always be more room.


I think that the maintainance cost will be the thing that puts an end to rampants building. After all, houses will deteriorate too, if you don't pay maintainance. You don't want to pay maintanence to ten empty houses gathering dust in a town you never visit, do you?

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Jeeze I thouth the same thing with my main house in the =A= town and my house when i feel like being a hermit in Naboo.. But looks like naboo will be to full of people So instead my hermit house=Tattoonie

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Just a tip, the nomenclature for your everyday offline life is RL (Real Life), not RW. Following nomeclature might be a tad boring, but everyone will understand you. :)


Yeah, I think scout will be a popular skill tree. Lots of useful skills for adventurers, most teams will want someone who can gather the maximum amount of resources from the creatures they hunt down. Being able to build camps etc is a nice bonus, too.

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I'll have 1 floor but have five rooms.

When you enter my house you will enter a room filled with stuff then there's four rooms one to the left, right, top-left, and top-right.

Left for resting

Right for Formal dinning room.

top-left for eating

top-right for FUN!:D

then I'll go to Gnarly gnorts to have a drink and get drunk.

and then tell fat jokes and then and then and then...

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Well, me, I'm thinking about sharing a house. You know, making a big apartment and share it with maybe two or three other people. Seems to be less fuss that way, and you can all make sure it doesn't deteriorate if one of you doesn't spend time there for a while. Sort of making sure someone gives your flowers water while you're on vacation. :)


So yes, maybe even getting a two or three-story house... that would be nice.

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I'd like to have like a small farm or house just outside a colony or something. Just myself and maybe a few other friends or something. It'd be cool to have friendly rivalries with other smaller comps and have races, fights, bets and stuff with them. That's actually one of the things I'm looking forward to the most, the human interactions, rather than the monster fighting and stuff.

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