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Whos the best player, or clan?


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Originally posted by dsbr-buffeh

I wasnt aware that we did that for the reason you specified.


Only reason I alias is because when i play for some reason people tend to come and spec me and i really dont like that.


not you, I'm talking mainly about the guys matt/logan make fun of on twl.


It seems every time they lose a scrim/pub/match or neg somehow they disband whatever clan they are in and come back under a different alias.

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I like Unnamed's attitude. someone who isn't constantly bull****ting is refreshing in this game.


The SD scrim I took part in, which was Sin, myself and Kosmic (I don't think Kos had ever done a TFFA) there is no doubt that SD was using the energize script. I can tell. Why bull**** about it? It's totally obvious to anyone that when one team is energizing each other while they also happen to be grip kicking or pull kicking that it's a ****ing script.....get real. As for the script kick, yes everyone has it, and 99.99999% of the people use it, but it still sucks. Script kicks are, in my experience, only good for counter kicks and very very close kicks. In CTF script kicks are flat out awful, and from what i've seen, a real kicker will always beat a script kicker in a kick duel. Why? because scripts are just too fast. They fire so fast that they are too quick for a long range pull kick in which you actually want to double tap slowly in order to land the kick. If you doubt me, kick duel [fk]Mega or [fk]Sin sometime.

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I've been reading this thread and you guys only seem to consider dueling and FFA. Well, you can't be a good JKII player unless you play ALL aspects of JKII. Yes that includes Holocron, Jedi Master and CTY. I know what you're gonna say "they are dumb gamemodes, no one playes them so they don't count". How convenient. Just because you ignore some stuff doesn't mean its not worthy :) Myself, I'm ranked at number 3 in Jedi Master mode (theres only 5 or so servers so its not that impressive) but you macho guys with all your talk about owning people at duel and FFA, thats very nice, but that just makes you a duel/FFA player, not a JKII player....


Thankyou for your time....

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Originally posted by Kainite

I've been reading this thread and you guys only seem to consider dueling and FFA. Well, you can't be a good JKII player unless you play ALL aspects of JKII. Yes that includes Holocron, Jedi Master and CTY. I know what you're gonna say "they are dumb gamemodes, no one playes them so they don't count". How convenient. Just because you ignore some stuff doesn't mean its not worthy :) Myself, I'm ranked at number 3 in Jedi Master mode (theres only 5 or so servers so its not that impressive) but you macho guys with all your talk about owning people at duel and FFA, thats very nice, but that just makes you a duel/FFA player, not a JKII player....


Thankyou for your time....


like, ranked #3 where? excuse me?

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Yeah I know what you mean, they aren't really played much, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be though :)


By ranked number 3 I mean in the JM community. Theres a group of us (10 or so) who are the only regualrs on the servers and the only ones who play it properly, not passers by who think "ooooh havn't tried that before, lets give it a go". Persoanlly I think JM is one of the best gametypes in the game (obviously the rest of the community doesn't seem to agree with me :()

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Phr00t was the best nf dueler. He left in like August of 2002 but the guy was amazing. He invented instant DFA and used his own little personal counters which nobody to this day has yet to do. He was also actually in DSbr for awhile(yes DSbr had a saber newbie but newbie definately isn't the right word for him).


If Phr00t had not left for BF1942 and continued playing JO he would probably be number one on the nf ladder.


[edit] And he could strafe jump. :p

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I played CTY once.


I wanted to punch a hole in my monitor during the game.


I had a team full of noobs who all wanted to defend an empty base instead of going and returning our lizard/flag thing so I could cap.


So I had to NF hop all the way to the other side of warring factions, kill a bunch of full force players and this guy with our lizard while I have a NF bubble around me, then NF hop all the way back to the other side before some one could take our lizard again because these retards could not hold off one guy even 5 on 1.


I'll never play that again...



JM was actually pretty fun the few times I have played it though.


Problem is when you get a full force dueler as the JM the games pretty much over.

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Originally posted by Kainite

I've been reading this thread and you guys only seem to consider dueling and FFA. Well, you can't be a good JKII player unless you play ALL aspects of JKII. Yes that includes Holocron, Jedi Master and CTY. I know what you're gonna say "they are dumb gamemodes, no one playes them so they don't count". How convenient. Just because you ignore some stuff doesn't mean its not worthy :) Myself, I'm ranked at number 3 in Jedi Master mode (theres only 5 or so servers so its not that impressive) but you macho guys with all your talk about owning people at duel and FFA, thats very nice, but that just makes you a duel/FFA player, not a JKII player....


Thankyou for your time....


That's because there's NOT ONE competetive league, ladder or tournament on any major competition site that supports those gametypes and there never was.


CTF, TFFA, and DUEL are the only competition modes and hence where the BEST players come from. Don't tell us because you're supposedly #3 at an obscure mode of the game that you should even be considered. You play in a mode that has the lowest total player base. And I guarantee all the people we've been mentioning as "the best" could go play your game mode, and within a day or two, be as good or better than you at it, simply because we have the hard core battling game modes down pat. While it'd take you a few months to learn Saber Only CTF strats. So please, go back under that holocron you crawled out from and leave the serious discussion to the serious gamers. GGs KTHX

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hmmm I see you totally missed my point, never mind.


On a side note, since you guys are obviously so good :p why don't you use your 'l337' skills to help others ? This would improve the play standard of the community = less n00bs. Help people instead of putting them down. I know you're gonna laugh at this, and I may not be as uber skilled as some of you, but I can hold my own and you may win, but you'd never truly beat me.

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Because, well let's see here, WE are COMPETITIVE clans. IE we play on leagues, ladders, tourneys, etc. If you want to be "trained" go join the Jedi Academy. Although they probably wont train you into being a beast of a 1v1 player like UJ is, or the team tactics of my clan, or the marksmanship of DSbr.


Oh and BTW, you're right, we wouldn't beat you, we'd RAPE you!!

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yeah, Kain is right! I would like to remind you all that I'm STILL the only person on earth who plays CTY. WTF, are all of you scared?? I'm #1 on the ladder n00bz! Nobody can capture the Y as good as me. And remember...even if you totally own me...you will never beat me...think about that....it's...it's like a paradox you see. Deep ****. Existential or something. Yeah...I got it out of a Nietzsche novel....he said the same thing....oh wait...or was that "whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger"? ****

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Kain, I officially challenge you and your group to a match in all of the retarded gametypes. Holocron, Jedi Master and CTY.


and as far as helping others....I'd say a good 70% of the saber only CTF community has learned something (most likely learned alot) from FK members.

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