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Your Top Ten DVD Films

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Your all time top 10 DVDs. Taking into acount film quality, extras etc.


1 - Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship: Extended ED

2 - Monty Python And The Holy Grail

3 - The Matrix Revisited: CE

4 - T2 - Judgment Day: Ultimate Edition

5 - The Godfather DVD Collection

6 - Monty Python's Life Of Brian

7 - Band Of Brothers (I know not a film, but might aswell be)

8 - Preditor: SE

9 - Gladiator: SE

10- The Italian Job

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yep. my mates gettin two fast two furious on dvd today. i've seen the disc and case, it looks genuine plus it says its got the extras on it too.


Just wish Lucas would do us all a favour and release the original trilogy on DVD with 5.1 DTS.

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7.1 would be useless for my current living room system (basic 5.1 at present :(). I always though THX was a lucas owned certificate for cinema sound, just meaning it is awarded to films with cinema quality sounds, not a surround sound format. Phantom and Clones both use Dolby but DTS is far more superior.:(

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I always though THX was a lucas owned certificate for cinema sound, just meaning it is awarded to films with cinema quality sounds, not a surround sound format.

You're right, THX is not a format in itself. I apologise.


And Digital Theater Systems is superior to Dolby Digital in that it doesn't put the digital surround sound on the actual film reel, but on a seperate CD. This, for instance, effectivelly removes the possibility of that "pop" sound you sometimes can hear due to cuts in the film reel where the editors spliced the reels together. But that, to me atleast, is the charm of the cinema experience. :) It's supposed to create a small "pop" sound now and then. ;)

DTS in cinemas, for the most part around the world today, use a seperate CD, or CDs, with the audiotracks on it, along with the film reel. On the film reel there is a digital time code, which is also found on the audio CD(s). This syncronices the sound to the film as it is played. A film reel has a nasty habit of deteriating every time it is being used. CD's doesn't. So while the quality of the sound get's worse for every view with the DD's approach, DTS' sound experience remains just as good after the 200th time the movie is shown as the 1st time it was shown.

This is what makes DTS in cinemas somewhat superior to DD's approach. Correct me if I'm wrong though. :)


But that is for cinemas.


On DVD's it is only slightly superior in that it doesn't compress the soundtrack so much, using alittle more space on the DVD, but gains a tad better soundquality. That is really the only difference I can find. So if DD compressed their soundtrack to a lesser degree, then their sound would be just as good.


But this difference is not really noticable to most people though.


TPM and AotC has been digitally mastered using THX methods, which enhances both sound, and picture by the way, so it is, as I understand it, better than a movie that uses the DTS format, but I could be wrong about that. AotC were filmed digitally, and not recorded on film, so the sound and picture where already synced aswell as being of better quality. So, once digital filming, and digital movie theaters, really kicks in, DTS will not be so superior to DD in the cinemas anymore in my opinion, unless they come up with an even better way of storing the sound.



And no, it's not awarded to films with cinema quality sound.

Films that has used THX methods in recording, editing and production of the film in both the video- and sound-departments are allowed to wear the THX logo.

Equipment that fulfil THX criteria of reproducing the sound, and/or video, correctly, can also wear the THX-logo. This is anything from DVD-players, projectors, amplifiers, etc. (My sound card, Creative Labs Audigy 2, is THX approved by the way :) The only one in the world to my knowledge ;) )

Also, the transfer of movies to DVDs must also be according to the criterias set by THX.


When it comes to cinemas, they must have the right equipment to reproduce the sound and video, the right design of the room, etc., in order to get the THX logo.

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V.nice. Thats cleared up lots of questions i had.

So if i had enough money to buy THX certified playback equipment and had the correct room set-up, would i be able to get the room THX certified. Something to brag about to the mates down the pub:D

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Mmm, yes, that is a possibility, since they have spesifics on how to build a home theater setting. :)

Although you are actually renting the logo I think. :) So you would have to pay for it. ;) Aswell as the plane ticket (if you don't live near one of the officies around the world) plus other expenses for getting the THX people to check it out and if needed do minor adjustments and such I guess. ;)

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I'm Sold:D

"Anyone want to come watch some top quality films in my brand new THX Home Thearter?" :p

God that sounds great. I've got to keep practicing that for when i go to the pub. And memorise what to say when they ask me "What is THX mate?" ;)

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1. Zoolander

2. Month Python: Holy Grail SE

3. Attack of the Clones SE

4. Bourne Identity

5. Serindipity

6. Matrix

7. Airplane

8. Center Stage

9. Spaceballs

10. Vanilla Sky



11. Old School

12. Minority Report

13. Sum of All Fears

14. Charade -Audrey Hepburn...Mmmmmm

15. Austin Powers ep I

16. Amélie

17. Spinal Tap

18. Pelican Brief

19. LOTR Fellowship of the Ring

20. Fast And Furious

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I cant rate them in order but some of my favorites are:

Bourne Identity


LOTR-Fellowship Extended Version (sooo...longggg...sooo good...)

Gone in 60 Seconds

Ferris Bueler's day off (probablly misspelled)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail...good times...good times =]



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Since we're also taking into account extra features . . .


1. Black Hawk Down 3 Disc Deluxe Edition

2. Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition

3. Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition

4. Monty Python and the Holy Grail Special Edition

5. Toy Story Ultimate Toy Box

6. Blade II

7. Minority Report

8. Planet of the Apes 2-Disc Special Edition

9. Evil Dead II

10. Independence Day 5 Star Collection

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