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Bot training.

Death's Head_30

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I've installed so much ram. on my pc that I can have 50 bots in a game without lagging. I some times put 49 bots on a team and Me on another. Or, I have 10 players on my team and then 40 on the other team. It is so so hard to live for more than 10 min.!!


Let me know how you train with bots....:deathii:

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I don't use bots at all. If I want to play MP, I'll play online against other people, since that is the greatest challenge. Bots are just too easy to beat, and so not much fun.


If I want to just duel against AI, I'll go into SP and spawn some Reborn and other NPCs (Maul, Vader, Jerec, and a few others) that I have modded into the game. I like SP lightsaber combat more than MP, at least as AI goes.

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How I train with bots is I set up a duel server and line up a huge variety of saberists (so I can get some different stances out of these guys) and then I turn timescale down to like .2 or something like that. What I do is I never stray from slashing distance during the whole duel and attempt to block and counter every slash. It's pretty easy to get used to.. and in no time every single fight is won perfectly with consistancy... then I turn it to timescale .25.... and so on.

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If you want a bigger challange, make bots alligned with themselves, in the JKB-file you can attach bots to other bots, For example, tavions JKB-file says:


//Tavion is alligned with her master Desann


Desann 2



Under Desann, just add:


Tavion 2


That means she is alligned with herself.

then start a FFA game and challange 40 tavions, and they all will attack you! thay won't even touch each other!

(when you do this, the chat section might get messed up, so I suggest you delete all chats in "Killedlovedone" part, otherwise the bots might talk about themselves, If you only have 1 Tavion, she might say No you killed Tavion!!!or something)


I did this to one of my own bots, and played vs. him x 32!!!

You are chansless!!!

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