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My "What Did You Do In Beta" Comic


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I gave the url out to the devs before you guys and it's been exceeding it's bandwith eversince. I guess they like it :p


Not going to move it somewhere else of buy a place for it, since I only put it together for fun and not for any serious work. Would rather spend my money on the game next week.


Give it a while till it dies down and it should come back up.

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Now if I were a guy, I'd have made a comic strip about the time Rycca and (female wookie doctor) were sitting in a friend's house, enjoying her comfy decor and talking about hoping the Imperials and Rebels finish killing each other soon so we can get on with our peacefull lives when suddenly, the house SHOOK with a loud BOOM. We both stood and ran outside exclaiming, "What the hell?". There was our guildmate, Sharp'zu fighting this huge thing he had brought to our guild's housing complex to play with us. Rolling our eyes at the lad, then looking questioning at each other, Rycca and I shrugged, and then like a couple of kids, dove right in to help bring the monster down. It almost had the best of us as we had to run back into houses, each of us ending up in three separate houses to seek shelter.


The beast was angry as hell at not being able to eat any of us and shook the whole hillside trying to get to us. Rycca, our doc, came out of one of the houses and streaked past the beast to my house, followed soon by Sharp, and the doc got to work healing us. Out we went to finish off the beast, it falling with an earthquaking thud, bouncing the dust around my house, it's head landing in my living room.


Rycca was able to harvest a lot of bio matter from the beast, very important for a doctor making chem stims to heal us, as the beast was fat and healthy. The only emote that was missing that we could have used was the ability for Sharp and I to "high-five" each other while Rycca worked at stripping the beast of it's resources.

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