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to be more like yoda :D ...or will Lucas Arts blow it??? :(


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dispite people saying the light side was toooo good for an even remotely offensive power, lets all go back to Ep2.... Yoda absorbs lightning AND SENDS IT BACK!!!


this is a power they MUST put into the new game!!!


if a jedi has force absorb and puts points on a new power (lets call it 'force reflect'), the light jedi will absorb lightning and grip and slightly gain force power as previous. However, when the jedi has points on both absorb and reflect, and he is attacked by force drain or force lightning he will gain force but also another bar will fill up, and the jedi can send back the dark power (less powerful and for less time ofcoarse to be fair). the higher the reflect level determines how powerful and the time the reflected power will be.


whos with me that that would be a very cool lightside power, and would definately proove worthy of shaking the 'boaring' and 'dull' steriotyple lucas arts has given the lightside


...... however we all know lucas arts will probably let us down there lol

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Well about the saber absorbing the lightning... Am I the only one who found that part a bit silly? I thought the Yoda like absortion much better. The thing with the saber doesnt convince me... i'd rather have seen Obi-Wan absorbing the lightning with his hand instead of his saber... besides.. it looked a bit silly when Obi-Wan blocks the lightning with no effort at all and Yoda who is the top jedi guy around at the time looks like he's under some strain...


I think The idea sugested by nathariel would indeed reduce the lightning spamming... but I'm concerned about the price to pay for that... I dont think it's the right way to fix the lightning spamming...but yes.. it must be reduced.. no doubt there.


I'd rather have lightning being the supreme dark side power... whoever wants it... must buy the points at high prices and make it expend more force when used. It should damage alot yes... but by reducing the effect to one user at max level should make the weapon effective... let's say... one full force discharge with lightning on a guy with no absorb on, no shield and full health would kill the opponent...but as said.. with the user's mana depleted.


As for light side... I do agree they need an non-counter power. I think force blind should be brought back. Maybe a grip that's designed to stun rather than kill or a mid trick like power that disables or interferes with the enemy's movement(walking, running and jumping for instance).


The best thing for is to bring back the MOTS class system and force power system. Also MOTS had a few interesting powers designed to confuse the enemy like force projection... it creates mirror images of one-self... it would be cool if they acted on their own makingthe enemy think we went the other way.


Anyway... I think the best thing they could do, whether they use MOTS system or JO system, new powers or same powers... the saber should be the best advantage and the most efficient weapon of all... making the force nothing more than a bonus or advantage that gives the player an edge in certain situations.



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Yoda is straining because he's blocking the lightning with his hand Obi doesnt need to strain because he is not using any force to block the lightning, it seems to be attracted to the sabre blade. Makes sense really...Yoda using his hand looks more silly, but he's probably the only one who can do it.


Mind Trick is the 'Force Blind' ability in JK2 MP, but you have to use it on each person you dont want seeing you. I prefer this method to the JK1 method of a blanket invisibility, it was just impossible to kill anyone with it on without having force seeing, but with Mind Trick, you see the person turn invisible more often than not, ergo, they die :)


A 'Force Projection' skill would be nice, but i dont see it fitting in well with the Jedi mythos. A portable hologram would be cool, drop a little emitter on a wall or something and it sends an AI controlled replica of you running around the level for a set amount of time. It could flicker and loose colour saturation a little every so often to give it away that it's a holgram, and the fact that its intangeble.


So many fun ideas :) Mod makers must be having a field day (unless they've already ditched JA for HL2)

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Originally posted by Matariel

Yoda is straining because he's blocking the lightning with his hand Obi doesnt need to strain because he is not using any force to block the lightning, it seems to be attracted to the sabre blade. Makes sense really...Yoda using his hand looks more silly, but he's probably the only one who can do it.


I tend to agree. Yoda is probably one of very few who can absorb lightning into their own body. Obi-Wan probably did use the Force to guide the lightning to the lightsaber blade, where it would have been neutralised or turned into energy or something. But he probably could not have absorbed lightning with his body.


Having something like that might be useful in the game...but I would think to pull off the lightning/saber trick you should have to allocate a lot of force points to it.


As for lightside offensive powers...we've already discussed this issue in that other thread. I don't see the need for a lot of lightside offensive powers. If there was something like Force Reflect, again, it should eat up a lot of force points to be able to use it, and should probably only be useful against one Dark Side power, like lightning.

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Originally posted by Rockstar

dispite people saying the light side was toooo good for an even remotely offensive power, lets all go back to Ep2.... Yoda absorbs lightning AND SENDS IT BACK!!!


this is a power they MUST put into the new game!!!

And yet it won't be, because it doesn't fit into the current Force scheme of the series (MOTS not withstanding).


Originally posted by Rockstar

whos with me that that would be a very cool lightside power, and would definately proove worthy of shaking the 'boaring' and 'dull' steriotyple lucas arts has given the lightside

Since when does the light side have the stereotype of being "boring" and "dull"? Just because you want to shoot people with the Force but still want to pretend you are a good Jedi, does not mean the rest of us consider the light side boring in JO.


Originally posted by Rockstar

...... however we all know lucas arts will probably let us down there lol

Letting you down perhaps, but not the rest of us who feel the light side is excellent the way it is.


And StormHammer is right. This topic has been discussed ad nauseum. And, also ad nauseum, I have suggested that if you really want to hurt people with the Force, play using the dark side. Why is this so hard?

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I thought that the lightside being all defensive was really realistic. In the movies all of the wise jedis always say a jedi only uses the force in defense. While i guess reflect still counts as defense, it would probably just make more lightning spammers go to the lightside so that they can absorb, and shoot lightning at people. It wouldn't be a good idea IMO.

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A 'Force Projection' skill would be nice, but i dont see it fitting in well with the Jedi mythos. A portable hologram would be cool, drop a little emitter on a wall or something and it sends an AI controlled replica of you running around the level for a set amount of time. It could flicker and loose colour saturation a little every so often to give it away that it's a holgram, and the fact that its intangeble.


You mean a HoloDuke!?!? No dude.... No....


I really don't like the idea of having lightning in the game at all, personally, but if it is to stay, I think it should just be a real pain to use. It should use up tons of force and leave you vulnerable for a few seconds. Look at Palpatine, he was concentrating on killing Luke so much that he didn't sense Vader come up behind him with the intention of killing him, and the guy could open locks with his mind for crying out loud!

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

You mean a HoloDuke!?!? No dude.... No....


I really don't like the idea of having lightning in the game at all, personally, but if it is to stay, I think it should just be a real pain to use. It should use up tons of force and leave you vulnerable for a few seconds. Look at Palpatine, he was concentrating on killing Luke so much that he didn't sense Vader come up behind him with the intention of killing him, and the guy could open locks with his mind for crying out loud!


I bet Solbe was one of those people that cried after wasting their entire ammunition on a hologram but didn't realize it at the time.

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The return of lightside MP force powers that are useful and have appeal would be nice. I never used the Lightside Forcepowers in JO MP they were useful, but the Dark Side was so much simpler, so the implementation of this force power gets my vote.

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"That's the last straw! You're goin' down, punk!"

*Fires off entire clip at Rad Blackrose, then realizes it is hologram as the real Rad Blackrose steps around corner toting a railgun*

"No! Foiled again!"

*Lucile Ball style "wah" ensues*


Let's look at this objectively. Master Yoda was among the greatest jedi of all time, and even he struggled to absorb and reflect lightning. Kyle Katarn is not a jedi master, so he couldn't do it, but in Jedi Academy, you play a padawan learner, who most definitely couldn't catch lightning in his hand and reflect it, right? I don't think that particular force power would make sense to the game.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

Let's look at this objectively. Master Yoda was among the greatest jedi of all time, and even he struggled to absorb and reflect lightning. Kyle Katarn is not a jedi master, so he couldn't do it, but in Jedi Academy, you play a padawan learner, who most definitely couldn't catch lightning in his hand and reflect it, right? I don't think that particular force power would make sense to the game.


Good point but it would be good for MP where you are not a padawan

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a hologram thingy would be cool, and it fits with the universe...the duke3d one was crappy, it followed your movements, but just stood still as i remember. My idea was to have a kind of 'bot' controlled hologram, that runs around the level, shooting, dodging etc etc...more realistic

It'd be fun :)

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for those who say that only yoda could absorb thats a good point, who said he struggled?? when someone throws a heavy sabre shot at someone they stagger back but that didn't mean they had any chance of "failing to struggle". i just think they made him look like that when absorbing because he was catching it when it was flying towards him


i think jedi knights could use absorb aswell, but not standard jedi


now the counter arguement to this is the fact that lightning should only be usable by master sithlords. the only 2 people ever seen to do it were the emperor and the duke ... who was the APPRENTISE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SITH EVER!!!!


i think that 'force reflect' would be a very cool addition and would add some cool character to the light side. and how bad can it be when it only adds realism and character?? ofcoarse the power reflected should be much weaker than the power absorbed. if this move were to be incorperated, then the light jedi should have to raise his hand to create a shield infront of him to block the energy (leaving him open to sabre and melee attacks.


also force lighting should be changed so it is not a crazy fan of lightning, but a single, direct stream which repells enemies running at you. however, lightning can only be used while walking (how many times do we see siths run and use such a strong power), and to make it fair, absorb would force the light jedi to walk aswell. This would be an EXELLENT change for the reason that people would not as easily be able to inturupt sabre fights with force moves.


also i think that when a light jedi uses reflect to send lightning back at the darky, the darky can shoot his lighting which will cancel the effect of both. (again to make this fair both lightning and reflect would use just about all the jedi's force, so both jedi would have no choice but to saber duel)


:D what do ya all think?? comments? suggestions? your own takes or ideas perhaps??

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I think that lightning should be more like the kind Dooku used :) It's a single beam, you have to aim it, but if it holds long enough, your victim gets lifted up and can be controlled slightly, maybe even smacked into a wall... But push would counter that effect, so it would be hard to pull off...

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Originally posted by Rockstar

dispite people saying the light side was toooo good for an even remotely offensive power






'boaring' and 'dull'

are you ****ing stupid? lightside is for defensive players and once you go offensive you easily lose to any dark player please know what your talking about newb


boaring? no one wants to hear about your sick german fantasy sick ****

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Welcome to the forum.

There are certain rules of conduct we follow here, may I suggest you study them?




I didn't like the way Dooku could move things at the same time as he shocked them. Maybe I'm just biased because I didn't like Dooku as a character (and partially because of the staff battle from LOTR), but it was just a bit too powerful for my tastes.

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Originally posted by iron_dF

are you ****ing stupid? lightside is for defensive players and once you go offensive you easily lose to any dark player please know what your talking about newb


boaring? no one wants to hear about your sick german fantasy sick ****

Ah, good to see you Break :) Staying long?
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Originally posted by iron_dF

solution:drain, stop bitching noob


haha, 'n00b', thats gotta be one of those 1337 g4m3r phrases that just makes you sound like a tool.

And what is this?

Registered: Jun 2003
Seems you're more the n00b than me.

And not to sound too 'flame-ish', but im just responding, but learn to spell, its "you're" and "boring".


But i digress...i loved the way Dooku could move Anakin around with his lightning, thats something JK2 lacked, force move. Use it to move around ANY map object, wouldnt that be sweet? Like Vader flinging those crates and stuff at Luke, in the game, getting hit by flying objects should hurt you, or even send you flying.

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Originally posted by Matariel

haha, 'n00b', thats gotta be one of those 1337 g4m3r phrases that just makes you sound like a tool.

And what is this? Seems you're more the n00b than me.

And not to sound too 'flame-ish', but im just responding, but learn to spell, its "you're" and "boring".


But i digress...i loved the way Dooku could move Anakin around with his lightning, thats something JK2 lacked, force move. Use it to move around ANY map object, wouldnt that be sweet? Like Vader flinging those crates and stuff at Luke, in the game, getting hit by flying objects should hurt you, or even send you flying.

wrong again polak, i spelled it boaring because thats how the dumb mother****er spelled it, please shut the **** up so i dont have to deal with more of you retards before i get banned

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