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been to http://www.swgassociates.com and signed up, please do so.


Make sure you include a valid email address when you sign up and click yes or no depending on whether or not you want to recieve newsletters from the website. Every month it will roll up all the news and send out a digest of what went on in the PA for that month.


I dont share email address' with anyone so dont worry about me trying to sell it to a porn site or anything. Only myself and select staff members have access to the website database.

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Originally posted by Murashu

I dont share email address' with anyone so dont worry about me trying to sell it to a porn site or anything.


You can sell our addresses to porn sites. :eek: How good. :D


Anyway are you looking for any staff writers etc, i will be happy to help. :)

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If anyone has something they would like added to the website all they need to do is write it up and email it to me. My address is all over the website or spittman@nc.rr.com and scott.pittman@us.army.mil Get it to me and I can get it posted.


Dont expect me to post anything not PA or SWG specific though. Like Jan Gaarni wanting me to put a marraige proposal to Setsuko

on there every single day is not going to happen....sorry JG :(

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Originally posted by Murashu

If anyone has something they would like added to the website all they need to do is write it up and email it to me. My address is all over the website or spittman@nc.rr.com and scott.pittman@us.army.mil Get it to me and I can get it posted.


Dont expect me to post anything not PA or SWG specific though. Like Jan Gaarni wanting me to put a marraige proposal to Setsuko

on there every single day is not going to happen....sorry JG :(


Ok thanks for the email links, heh a marriage proposal. How sweet. :p

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