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Tonight's Anti-RPG FFA Laming Demos


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In an effort to continue the REAL saberists agenda of ridding the RPGers from our favorite FPS series, I give you 3 demo's of the {DEA} Clan FFA Server. Note what the admin does in the third one, quite funny. Also I play "Kick The Newbie Off The Ledge" with nearly the whole server in the second one. All three show the idiocy of these people, as I ended up banned, yet it clearly shows their hypocrisy.


DEA Demo 1


DEA Demo 2


DEA Demo 3

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

Yes. Like most rpg newbie FFA servers, they only had jump, saber attack,defend and throw enabled. Otherwise I would have killed that admin who kept trying to grip toss me with his lame ass empowerment.


aye wont be long before it will be like that in JA.... almost puts me off buying it.

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i liked how he kicked the n00b that killed him as he was grip-fagging you. these admins really are rpging in the purest sense as they consider themselves policemen ridding the server of "lamers". they invariably suck, which leaves them with unbreakable grip as their only option, which is why light side (absorb) is the preferred force set to use when going laming =) besides, i wouldn't even waste my time on anything but an ff server, since only in ff can you hope to survive once they gang up on you, no matter how n00bish they are.

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Unfortunately I no longer have any of the demo's from it. UJ might have the FK vs. SF one which was the most competition we ever had in a TFFA prior to the script fiasco. If he has it still you might be able to get it from him, but I don't keep demo's too long. Usually keep em till I make a vid and then discard them. I might open an account on cached.net though for future demo storage.

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nah I don't have it.




There was nothing amazing about that match it was just a good example of 5 people working as one with great team work.


The combat was normal pk/saber stuff w/ some rage+dfa thrown in but when you get 5 guys who all click and think as one it's a mother****** to deal with.

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I agree with Tosh_UK, we definately need to get together on some random server and just mess with them.


I get booted from 3-4 server daily. My main problem is I can't go in really big servers because my fps will be like 5 and it's kind of hard to pull/kick with that low a framerate. It's hard enough trying to do a pull/kick with 15 fps but 5 is really hard.


I mainly go light because I usually have an army of people gripping me and lightning me so I just flip on absorb and lean on heal. Then they bitch at me for healing while they are holding the drain button and running for a bacta.


Also earlier today I was accused of scripting. Here is the best part: a script is a pk3 which modifies the game can increase saber damage. I wish I had gotten the logs.

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And now for the 3 part review:


1st demo:


In the beginning, I couldn't give an honest damn what was going on. It was the typical zzzZZZzzz stuff. Got better in the end.


Also, note to Blaze: Cry more?


2nd demo:


That kickfest was hilarious, and your ability to create chaos shows mostly during that segment. However, minus points because Dark_Knight stole the show: He kept bagging Synergy, not you.


3rd demo:


Nothing overall, although let me say this:


Darth_Revan, you are a fanboi and your skills in teh force are teh suck. Misspelling intentional, no pun intended.


Never the less, this is a bit of a lesson in comedic asskicking.




I agree with Tosh_UK, we definately need to get together on some random server and just mess with them.




Also earlier today I was accused of scripting. Here is the best part: a script is a pk3 which modifies the game can increase saber damage. I wish I had gotten the logs.


I've heard of there being such a beast, but only works on unpure servers. Of course, this is after me being called a hacker on a pure server.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

I've heard of there being such a beast, but only works on unpure servers. Of course, this is after me being called a hacker on a pure server. [/b]


Woah I've never heard of anything like that. But if it exists I think I might have to start looking for it....... for research purposes.


Also the real thing that got was that they believed that was exactly what a script is and nothing else. They didn't believe me that people had them in configs and such. I forgot what server it was but the admin decided to upload x-mod.


Somebody should really get a "lamer" chatroom where we could get together and pick a server to get banned from.

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Once me and reborn were in this custom map with like a jail. Everyone was dueling inside the jail and one person was standing outside to make sure that if they were locked in he could let them out. We kicked the guy in the jail and locked like 8 ppl in. And none of them were willing to self kill to get out.


Another time we were playing like ffa_country2 or something. We kicked this guy off the barn into like a pool or something. Fromo which he couldnl't get out of.


That is a good idea, we all goto a server.

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Hahahah nice UJ. I never use that double bladed saber crap. I probably should have since it's technically "a cheat".


HJOA? Honorable Jedi of Apocalypse? Eh? What's it stand for Kynes?


How bout [Anti-RPG]EliteLamer, that was my name one night. Got kicked as soon as I entered the server with that name LOL.

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