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Tonight's Anti-RPG FFA Laming Demos


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Honorable Jedi of America.....



I am sooooooo using that now.




Is that a real clan?



[edit] I totally forgot about this. Type: /amsay If you read this you're gay. I get kicked about 2.3 seconds after I type it.:D

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Members of HJOA. a brand new jk2 clan. Its just an alias clan of fake members from other clans.





HJOA.jedi-priest pyro


we also have supersonic (swede) and some others like living abortion though I can't remmeber their hjoa names.


Make yours and ill add you to the list

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Sigh. This is ridiculous. Watch these two demo's to see how totally retarded this community has gotten. BTW this is on the JK2files.com FFA server that UJ is banned from, oh and I am now too, for this. BANNED FOR THIS?!?!?! OMFG.


JK2Files.com FFA #1

-this one shows the idiocy that's going on in these servers now, especially the beginning.


JK2Files.com FFA #2

-what I was banned for. First I was put to sleep. This is funny, watch the text.


Both are pretty short. Didn't take them long to ban me. LOL.


As far as my new lamer alias.


LMFAO, rpg it up woot! HAAHHAHAH


EDIT: Added these binds to my rpg laming cfg

bind X "say ^1OMFG!! HE LAMED ME!!! KICK HIM!!! BAN HIM!!!! BAN THE LAMER!!!!"


bind X "say ^4Honorable Jedi of America! None Can Compare To Our Honorable Ways!!"

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Jk2files is horrible. The skill level is so low I feel almost ashamed to be in there. I have gone in there and obeyed their rules and been "lamed" and nothing happens to the offender. But right as I return the favor...... sleep


The only thing is I don't believe I'm banned, but I have been kicked about 4-5 times in the last 2 days.


BTW, Nice binds there Sithlord~Maul.

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You know, before the end of these demos, we should find some way to edit in some propoganda or something, that or a nice, cheesy, "We at ASC, Shockwave, FK, etc salute you morons!"


Then at the bottom in small text, "For the viewing pleasure of the jediknightii.net/lucasforums community, enjoy."


That would piss over JK2files.

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I could make a movie of it, but I'll need hosting space as video's come out in large files when you do that. I'll be looking for atleast 500 mb's of space tonight for our clan because I'm having problems with my hosting right now, they won't give me any more space for some reason, guess they're scared I'll host warez.

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Well that is the weird thing. I *do have a static ip.


When I plug my cable modem into my net card directly I will have the same ip for months. No matter what I do (release/renew) it won't give me a new one.


I went out and bought one of those cheap $30 d-link routers @ best buy and now getting it to release/renew is easy.


I run this:





Then unplug the modem and hit the reset button on the router and I have a new ip. Granted my sub net stays the same but most admin mod users ban via /kickban rather than addip and even less know how to ban the sub net range of an ip.

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I only understand 30% of your post UJ. :p


I'm downloading the demo. Man can I not wait to see that thing either.


[edit] hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha OH MY GOD!!! UJ that was awesome. Kicking everyone off and saying "sry". I nearly fell out of my chair.

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Indeed, I was called "scripter", then the typical "he lamed me" crap when EVERYONE is in an all out fight, typical newbie ****. Then I told the admin he was a nazi for putting me to sleep because of something someone said without seeing it. He promptly banned me for calling him a nazi.

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UJ for once, on your server, there were like 5 newbs from the same clan who tried to gang up on me. I have never met newbs on your server before.


Well, I went to the jk2files server for my first time, and yes it was like you guys described. I went afk, and this guy tried to kill me. When I came back, this other guy was like "Milady, (<--my alias) xxx tried to lame you, I saved you from him". They had a large ffa in there. But they didn't mind my ptk's or gk's much like fallen's and uj's. But I only played for about 5 min and didn't have first place yet so they prolly didn't notice.

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You can run into saber noobs anywhere. The other day I connected to my clan's server on ffa_yavin. There was one other player there, and he turned out to be a complete noob. I sniped him about a half-dozen times in a row. The last one was quite amusing. He ran at me with his saber, and I zoomed in and charged up a shot. He then gripped me. I released the shot, doing a lot of damage but not enough to kill him. He proceeded to attempt a heavy swing on me, and was quickly felled yet again by my Tenloss. Apparently quite frustrated, he said, "stop using that fgt gun fgt." My response: "k." A couple of rockets later he was dead again, and promptly disconnected.

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Heh, interesting Jeff, I noticed some of that in the saber noobs too.


Anyway I went into that Dragon server, didn't lame at all. I only blasted, ptk and grip kicked to saber ups. Been doing it for quite a while, then I did it to a clan member and promptly booted me. Apparently ptking and gripkicking clan members is different from ptking non clan members.:rolleyes:

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