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GB.Com Excellence Awards Thingy


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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Trigger Happy Award - forummer who makes the most topics the most often


Worst Sig Image/Quote - hey, we have a best, why not a worst? ;)


Apathy Award - the person who cares the least about winning one of these awards



And why not some superlatives:


Most likely to die before the age of twenty


Most likely to stick around until the boards are gone


Most likely to star in Episode 7



Good Ideas, I like these. :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Natopo

Why you blasted little *****!!!!!


Now that I got that out of my system, I'd like to ask you a question. Do you think I am a girl?!


I don't think he was suggesting that you had a baby but that you are one. :) A cut one. :D

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Originally posted by «K» Heavyarms

Best grammar? I scored in the 98th percentile in rhetoric on my ACT exam, so I think I take that category.


What you do outside the forum is irrelavant... :p


How about we have, tying in to what Leon suggested, best user of smilies (given to the person who best makes use of smilies to convey his/her point) :)



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So far we have:


Most Stylish (style in appearance, posts, etc)


Most Likely to be eaten alive by a gigantic killer-bunny


Most fanatical (fanatical about anything, not just SW or GB.com)


The Well Rounded Award (someone who has all aspects of a good forumer, not appearance)


Jedi Award (given to those who uphold the virtues of a true jedi)


Sith Award (given to those who love chaos or are just plain evil)


Best Forrumite who's been around a long time but never won one of these danged awards!


Best Directory Page


Lurkiest Lurker

"Best Elf Farm Keeper"


"wotsr tpyinng" (worst typing)


"Best Posted Picture"


"The Peacekeeper Award"


"The 'What's a trooper?' Award" (for those w/o good memory or just total cluelessness)


"Best Game" (for introducing the best free game to the rest of us)

Biggest STP Addict (Nominees: Myself, Rhett, Darth Groovey)


Best Forumer Named Clefo


The Girlfriend Problem Award

Cutest Baby Award

Super Secret Funtime Award

How bout the Chameleon Award for the forummer who changes his name and/or avatar the most often?


Or the Deserter Award, for the best forummer no long with us.


Or the Philanthropist Awards for the forummer most liberal with his credits.


Or the Double Award for the forummer who proves his idiocy by accidentally double posting the most often.


Or the Rancor Award for the forummer who has incurred the most wrath from his fellow forummers.

The coolest forummer

The wisest forummer

The lifeless forummer (just kidding)]

Forumer Who Still Plays GB, The Loser

The permanoob award

Tribute To Sherack

Mod most likely to abuse ip spying privledges and get a hacker friend to exact revenge on the poor bloody bastard trolls

"Uber Smilie User"

"Most Typing Forummer"

"Graphical Forum Wiz"

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