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Favorite Game

Billy Shears

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Yes, I know this thread has been done countless times before, but none of them had "favorite" and "game" capitalized. So there. ;) Besides, we need an up-to-date one.


My all-time favorite game? No contest. Metroid Prime totally blew me away when I finished it. The incredible detail in that game is just breathtaking. Some of the textures may not have been too pretty, and some of the effects may have looked a little 2 dimensional, but there was way too much going on for those things to bring the game down.


The presentation was great too, especially for us anal retentive people. :p Everything ran smoothly, and MP had an AWESOME frame rate. I can't remember one incident where the frame rate was slowed at all. The story was completely believeable, since you got the entire story from computers, and log books and such. Just a completely awesome game.

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My all time most favorite game is Half Life. Great FPS, good graphics (awesome for its day), good story, and sweet game play. Plus with all the mods. :thumbsup:


Runners up would be X-Com followed by Civilization. Classics, never the same game twice, and puts the user in complete control.

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I've had a couple of favorites all throughout my gaming career, but the one that has stood the stand of time and is still very much played by me is International Cricket Captain 2000. Being a cricket fan, this is stat cricket heaven :D


As Sherack would say, "Best. Game. Ever." :D


Other favorites would be Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, WarCraftIII, Age of Empires II - all games that I loved very much when I first got them... ;)

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Wow, your favorites reminded me of some other greats. Medal of Honor, Freelancer, AoE2, SWGB & CC (duh!), and I always enjoyed Unreal Tourney.


And for the few of you who have heard of it...Death Track. It's from the earily 90's I think. I must have played that game through a least 20 times. Maybe even up to 30 times. That was a great game.

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Beings the only games I played when I first was introduced to PC Gaming were Flight Sims (Chuck Yeagers Combat Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0 ;) ), coupled with the fact that I'm a huge Star Wars fan, I would have to say that X-Wing & TIE Fighter were my favorite PC games ever. I sunk so many hours into those games! Man, just thinking about them brings back so many memories...


good times,


goooood times...





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I would have to say StarCraft and its expansion Brood War I had that game for about 3 years and never ever ever once got bored with it, now my Starcraft CD is missing and my Brood War one is scratched up

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I walked into class several time late cause of that game Tie Fighter. That game was so addictive, I couldn't stop playing until I busted my joystick. I think I was yanking it too hard from the left to the right until the mechanism gave out.:D


Starcraft Ghost looks like an awesome game. Getting it for the Gamecube when it comes out. I should add that to my list...

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