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People who pre-ordered, check in!!!!


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Yeah, I can't wait....I pre-ordered mine from Lucas Arts, they say it will ship out on the same day that the game ships to the stores. Hopefully I won't be waiting a couple of days after it releases to the stores :ball: Supposed to come with this cool "letter opener" that looks a lot like a small dagger...heheh, In the shape of a light saber.

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I'll probably pre-order PC around the 1st of November, unless a local store says it'll be getting it the day it comes out (which Wal-mart might, or some oher store). So I shouldn't really be here I guess but I feel like posting and you X-Box fools cannot stop me!! MUAHAHAHA!! REVENGE!!




















Like I can ever get revenge for the toture of waiting four months more than you all! ARRRGH!!!

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