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beta tester not buying


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First let me say that I COULD NOT WAIT to play SWG I love Star Wars and wanted to be a part of it. Well I got an email to be a beta tester and was thrilled, I downloaded the beta game and rocked on. Well after my initial excitement about exploring the worlds I was incredibly disappointed. All of the hyped things that this game was supposed to be arent even in game. The hunting is boring, the missions are boring. The landscapes are barren outside of cities. There is no point to this game, you are not going to be a hero in this universe, you will be a pawn in the unfinished beta that this game still is. Wait six months and this game might be ok, but ITS NOT FINISHED, ITS NOT VERY FUN. Yes i liked chatting and meeting other players and hunting with them...but the hunting itself is mostly a kick back and watch battle. There are NO VEHICLES ....in the coming months they are promised....there are NO PLAYER RUN TOWNS....promissed...there is a bad economy system, its not fun to be a bounty hunter, its not fun to to all of jabba's missions to get in his court....all that got me was a crappy sword and no priviledges, no recognition no nothing, jabba is still a static non talking model. Too bad about all these things...it could have been awesome. Don't waste your money at $15 a month plus the $50 to start to help sony delvelop their unfinished game for the next six months to a year.


I am only saying this because I was so excited about this game...and it's a flop. I'm sure the die-hards will disagree but the majority are with me. read a typical review:





anyway I do hope it will turn into a cool game, but for now I'm not investing in their developement with no return.




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well I for one am liking the game because I got people to play with. I think the community is suppose to be what makes the game fun, the more players the more fun it is.


Its based around the community, not the NPCs, who generally make the MMORPG. in SWG the players make the game.


I think you should get the final release and try it anyways even thought you werent happy with the beta.

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Your first mmorpg? I wouldnt say so. EVERY single mmorpg is unfinished at beta, if even running properly. Give it time, it will get better.


The only way its going to get better is if people stick with it and thats what counts. Most mmorpgs arent about the gaming, its the people you meet and have fun with.


Thousands of people play EQ, why? I tried it, thought it was HORRIBLE. But most people just like to sit around and chat, while doing a few other things.


Damn dude, nobody cares what you have to complain about, we all know it sucks, but we are willing to give it time to heal and become something better than it is now.


BTW... people have lives outside of the game, its not like we'll be playing it non-stop and keep thinking, "This game sucks".


If you want, come back in 6 months eh?

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Ok slade, you've expressed your view. Which is all honestly is fair, you don't like it. I and others may like it though, im not going to lose any sleep over what you said. :)


Or will i not buy the game, im still buying my game and support it all the way. ;)

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The release version is identical to the ending beta. I understand about the community, I have a great time talking with folks but I wouldn't pay $50 + $15 monthly to do it.

I do hope it improves, and yes maybe I will see you in 6 omnths, but it would take alot of work on the game to get me back.


might stick with half-life2 and doom3 when they come out and wait for an interesting and rewarding mmorpg.


(btw the loot from the creatures in SWG is always the crappiest stuff, so that players can craft the best...even from big red cons. Not rewarding at all to fight....)


I am not saying this to be negative, I wanted a cool game... good luck with it.

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Yeah i agree with Reaper i mean im not sure if you ever played games like EQ or AC. But i played AC for about a year and well i liked it when i played got my char to a decent lvl of about 60 and stuff. But alot of the time i would stay at the allegience masion and talk to all of the people, not because there was nothing to do, but you were able to talk and most likely go play and do quest with people you just met who could live in a different country(hated how french would come on at like 2 in the morning and i couldnt understand word:) ) Seriously though i think you should buy the game and play it for a month(well 2 cauz you have to buy a month at sign-up) and then come back and express what you think about it. Until then though you shouldnt slander something that hasnt really been played yet.





Well thats my opinion

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I played this game for 2 months in beta and for the last month I saw exactly what the game was...It was mostly bug fixes in the end, no more content. I have a very good understanding of the games' inner workings and design concept. The problem is in the immersion factor, sure you can chat with buddies at a clan hall...enjoy, just dont expect alot of fun outside of that...just play for a month, you will be back here agreeing. I have watched and or played many other mmorpgs, this one is barren and unfinished, whith the $140 or more you will spend on this game in the next 6 months get an upgrade to play cooler games or maybe to play this game when it's worth it. I'm on your side here, I really wanted this game to rock




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A common belief is to believe that most truths come from somewhere in between two extremes. In this matter I believe that this is the truth. There will always be people who hate everything about something and will deny that it is a work in progress. Can you really name ONE MMORPG that was brilliant or perfect from the end of beta... Also there is the side of defending a game even though it has some major flaws.


People have different tastes and different ethics and different demenors. I am sure that NOW... SWG is basically beta 4, but heck you shouldn't want more right now. For the most part, the developers, are testing online performance with the entire audience not just a select beta population. People, its the first day of SWG please don't think that the developers are miracle workers and can solve any and every problem that should arrise immediatly.


Unforunately (and forunate) people will lose interest in a game that doesn't meet their every wish on the first week or so. This people will drop. This is beneficial because it lessens the load for the people who are patient enough to wait out the harshships.


And if slade you bail now, you will not be part of the solution, directly. The developers need people to help, by tech support. Yes, this is what basically happen during the beta, however this beta was a controlled enviroment in the beta the enviroment began less and less strict until the GOLD release was basically an uncontrolled enviroment. This is a big jump from the beta. Maybe the game is still using "beta code" but other factors have changed.

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Look I agree with you but the only way we can fight against developers that think it's ok to charge people for an unfinished and underdeveloped product is with our wallets. I don't care about past products, it's time to pay for quality not possibility.


This product was mis-represented, and if you pay now you are investing in a developement stage, but unlike other investors you will get no return.


Pay when ther is a good game to play, don't support a half assed money making scheme, make them produce, it's the balance that keeps product quality up.




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It is not the developers who "that think it's ok to charge people for an unfinished and underdeveloped product". It is the producers. There's a huge difference between developers and producers. Put the blame where blame is due.

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I agree Set, this is a Producer problem. But you know what? It just doesn't matter. This is a Beta 4. So what? Lets just support what Q and Holocron and the rest are trying to accomplish, which will help achieve the desired state of SWG.


I had high expectations. I still do, this game is made to endure a long run in MMORGs. They yanked player cities and vehicles due to the box producers put them in. Without those things we now will have the ability to play. With them in, it would have been another, what, six months to release? I don't need a stinkin car if I gotta wait that long.


REset the mindsets and enjoy whats in front of you. :)

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well i played the game for the last three weeks and im hooked... im hoping to see the PA im in unffolding into a great group.//.. and ofcourse looking out for the space expansion.


i just love it.. and its my first MMORPG!


-Wraith 8-

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It is players and the leaders of communities like this one that will make content for this game. The rest is all candy coating. Once we have PA halls in place, I am sure Wraith and I will be discussing a PA war, just for the fun of it. I have many well laid plans for some interesting RP in the future for everyone on Starsider to enjoy. If it comes down to it, I WILL PERPETUATE CONTENT! I see no reason why the other great RPers of our SWG communities would do any less. This game is about us, not what the devs produce for us to do, but what we produce for ourselves to do. It's an RPG, so get a group together, play GM and build your own story. If you can't do that, then SWG was never meant for you anyway. PvPers will get bored of this game quickly and die out....I hope.

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I think the people who dont like this game because there is no content are missing the point. The players are the ones that are suppose to create the content. By building towns and guild halls, giving out missions to other players to.

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