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Imaginary Action using SW Stuff: What d'you think?


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You could have a fictional game story like this one:




Aboard the :deathstar


:lightning - "that will help you in military action"

:dtrooper: - "Aaaaaaaah, yeeeeeessss, ooooooooaaaaahhh"

:lightning - "Hahahahahahaha"

:emperor: - "Guards!"

:guard: - "Yes, m'lord"

:emperor: - "Take this worthless corpse away"

:guard: - "Off course

:holosid: - "Admiral"

:frank2: - "Yes, Emperor"


To be continued


All feedback welcome

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In a :vsd: far away for the Death Star


:trooper: - "Our :atat: s are ready, sir"

:frank2: - "Good, tell General Tiekan to deploy the :tie: fighters

:trooper: - "Yes, sir"


:speeder: - "Sir, scans have picked up :x-wing: s heading our way!"

:frank2: - Ah, we need the :tie: to defend us!!!!


To be continued

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Aboard the :deathstar:


:frank2: - **gurgles** help!!!

:vadar: - "That will teach you!"

:emperor: - "I sense a Jedi nearby"

:vadar: - I sense it also, it is a person I have not felt for a long time, :gben: is here

:gben: - "I am back, young padawan, you must not continue to serve this dark side, rejoin the light side and help us

:vadar: - "Old man, you know as well as I do the Dark Side remains strong and your interferance will only bring death!"

:gben: - "Your thoughts betray you, you know that death is a bad thing one that must be avoided except in extreme circumstances."

:emperor: - "You are wrong, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

Would this thread be considered spam? It's just someone who doesn't have anything else to do probably (No offense) I sense...a disturbance...oh, it's just Sherack...

Double (or triple in this case) posting is forbidden. It's been dealt with in the past, and should be dealt with today.
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Uh-oh Sherack, do you feel an itching for the ole admin powers? :D


The smilie stories were before even me, and they were quite hialrious, but I believe they are a figment of the past, even though we have much better smilies now. :p


Seiously though, edit it all into one post, it's just common courtesy.

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