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Big hint for Newbs in game


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I played beta (justifying me calling people newbs :) ) and i ran into several people who I felt needed this hint. So I'm telling you this so you won't have their problem.


I suggest getting trained in brawler and marksman right away. Because most professions start with a pistol, and if you have one you might as well use the special attacks for it right? So, when you train as novice marksman you'll get a bunch of skills that'll help you survive and not necessary but you may want to train as a brawler so you can deal out some unarmed damage. That's just a hint, I do this and I am pretty self-sufficient. :)

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Thanks, Caveman. Little tips like yours actually go a long way. Something I was looking for as well.


Can I assume that some some basic knowledge of each profession can be obtained? I.e. a character can entertain, craft, scout, and fight melees as well as long-distance? If so, my PC will be long in the making :)

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That's 3.5 if you don't take too many starting professions btw, those steal an additional 15 points to start which is about equal to an entire branch from any profession. Take my advice, don't bother with being self suffient since things like medial help and entertainment are widely available anyway. Plus there is some VERY nasty enemies out there so if you;re going for a combat profession and want to play with the big boys you'll definently need a mastery.

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A mastery...but not necesarily in Marksman...in fact I wouldn't really reccomend Marksman master...specialize. I'm going into the Carbineer and will master it, Scout Master, Squad Leader Master.


Also a big hint...read the manual...IT ACTUALLY HELPS!:eek:

Either that or you'll be in a bind when you don't even know how to take out your flashlight when it's dark.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Also a big hint...read the manual...IT ACTUALLY HELPS!:eek:

Either that or you'll be in a bind when you don't even know how to take out your flashlight when it's dark.


I will take the manual to school and read it. :p


Nothing else to do, and thanks unfrozen i was planning on doing that anyway. For BH you see. :D

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Even though we can master 3.5 Professions, you can train in as many of the starting professions as you desire. In game I am an artisian, but I have trained in : Marksman, Brawler, and Scout.


The reason is simple.


If a specific profession's skills help you achieve your desired results in SWG, then train in it.


I was in Beta (brief, but I was there) and I have been playing since day one. My char is into level III in my artisian skills and several level II's elseware.


I have done this because now I can solo if I don't want to follow some bonehead around who knows nothing about leadership.


Heres the lowdown:


I can kill wildlife. (Smaller, but I can handle a lot more than people would think)


I can harvest wildlife.


I can make weapons and armor. (three days into game)


I can sell stuff.


So multi tasking has its advantages. Honestly though if I had just pursued Artisian I would already be in an elite proffession.


Just my minimal insight. HAVE FUN! :D

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Okay, just so you all know, in order to be able to heal yourself, all you really need is Novice Medic and one skill, Organic Chemistry I. Then you can heal most of your wounds yourself, except the sub stats like strength and willpower. Camps can do that though, so, my self sufficient character:

Marksman, Scout, Medic

Every now and then I have to stop in the cantina.

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No, mastering is still all four. What I was saying, is that in order to be able to heal yourself out in the field you will need:

Novice Scout to make camps.

Novice Medic to heal damage.

Organic Chemistry I to heal wounds.


Then all you need is to buy some inorganics off of some artisans and harvest the creatures you kill for organics to make stim packs and wound packs to heal yourself in your camps. A selk perpetuating cycle of XP as well.

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We start with 250 skill points (SP), correct? If so, how does that value translate to mastery of 3.5 professions?


Does it not require a total of 77 SP to master a single profession? If so, then mastering three professions leaves just 19 SP left to fool around with. :confused:


Or do numbers add up differently in SWG's universe? :D

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