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Well fellow Jedi, I just wanted to say that although I'll still be posting here, I won't be able to play JKII for at least a month. :( The only computer in my house ythat could support JKII got a virus, and my mom automatically blamed me and won't let me get back on: it's now password protected. :mad: the computer i'm sitting at now doesn't have a good enough CPU, and not at all enough memory.


So, goodbye, JKII...


The only hope is that my siblings and I are saving up $500 to buy a new, better computer (my mom's company will pay the other $500), but that will take at least a month. sigh :(


Me: :cry7:


What i want to do to my mom: :chop1:

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Darn is right! I know how you feel, my mom blames me for all her comp stuff! Luckily, I'm saving up for a new laptop and battery for it, so soon, we'll be playin JKII in no time. Just imagine it...you go pm me sayin wanna play hydroball/darkball, but I'm on vaca. Just plug into laptop, and away we go. ahhhhh...*drools*

Your mom is payin for half of it? Lucky punk... I have to pay for all of it...:(

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Originally posted by yolkboy

Huh... It's the other way around with me. My parents don't really know anything about the computer. My dad dl all these things and everything start falling apart. What will they do without me?


Heh, I wonder the EXACT same thing.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

The joys of having my own apartment, my own car, my own computer, etc etc etc. :)


hahahahha to true


and got to say you sure you want to cut ya moms head off... man its only a game.

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