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What the heck happened to my char?!

Devlyyn Sarr

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I got booted off last night when they brought the servers down like alot of you probably did. Anyway, I signed on this morning and I had lost about 2000 credits, Advanced Unarmed Specialization and about 6,000 skill points! What the heck happened to my character?! Anyone else have this problem?! :confused:



Figured out the problem. Aparently they are having some rollback issues and a ton of people lost several hours worth of work last night. If it happened to you go to the official forums, under tech support and rollback issues. I hope they fix this. Its a little bit frusterating.

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Most people, also are logging out incorrectly. the /quit command is a HARD SHUT DOWN and does not save your character info. The system periodically saves this info, but you can force it with:



There will be a 30 second timer during which your character will be saved.


Also keep in mind that the exit game button is also a hard shut down.


Whenever you do a hard shutdown, you are logging out in hopes that the system will save your data before a crash. If the system crashes before this data is saved, you WILL experience rollback.

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This was one of many "red flags" that many of us beta testers were waiving at the devs before they announced the release date.


Also, the "/sit, /logout" trick works *most* of the time, but not all of the time. I lost count of how many times I logged out "smoothly" (i.e., not a hard log out) and logged back in a couple hours later only to find I had rolled back. And the interesting thing was that I lost SO much due to the rollback, it was as if my character hadn't been saved AT ALL for 2 days.


That's a bug that is unrelated to the way you log out.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

So, they've gone away from the 4 minute logout time as long as you're not in a camp or hotel room? :)


I'm not too sure on that one Jan. I know you, yourself log out in 30 sec, no matter where you are. You character stays ingame though, usually with an (LD) over his head (Link Dead). I don't know if that's a bug, or the way it's supposed to be.

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Ah, that's prolly how it's supposed to be. You can go, but your character won't be completly safe until 3 minutes and 30 seconds later. ;)

Makes more sense actually. You might be in a hurry, and having to wait for 4 minutes to log out could hamper you alot. :)

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Originally posted by UnfrozenCaveman

So when we use the exit, it's actually as if ther server crashed? I've never really experienced rollback aside from when i'm running some place and I crash- then i notice i'm about a Km back. So this /sit /logoff command is smooth?


Unfortunately, the rollback bug is a little more insidious than that. During beta, many of us experienced rollbacks even when we would /sit and /logoff. And the rollbacks weren't simply lost data since the last server-side save! In one instance, I actually completely lost a character that I had been developing for a couple weeks. I checked, also, if there had been a pwipe (since it was beta), but no pwipe had taken place. (I know this because my friend on the same server still had all of his characters in tact).


Anyway, I just thought I'd comment on the issue. We brought it to the devs attention long ago, but so far there hasn't been enough "data" to lead them to a viable solution.

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