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T3 official review thread !

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First off, I must say, despite being a huge Arnie fan, that I wasn't expecting much of this. Cameron wasn't there and all. . .But to my surprise, this movie is amazing!! Arnold still has the Terminator touch, he plays his role extremely well, the story is really good (more modern but still sticks to the previous Terminators). The acting is good. And the jokes/punchlines are the best ever written and Arnold delivers them to perfection (except one at the end > : ( ). Whoever wrote these is a genius.



Yes, I know there is a topic on T3, but its more on the previous stories so I decided to put a exact titled thread.


BTW. just to be sure : if you wanna put spoilers : You write the word spoiler and then write in white, right?

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The movie was incredible because a jewish guy directed it and another one produced it. (mostow/lieberman film) J/K


Basic plot of the movie: John Connor(what's this actor's name again) is now basically a hobo with a motorcycle, and his whole life changes when he gets in a accident. He then is contacted by Katherine Bruester (Claire Daines) and the T-X (Kristanna Loken) is sent to find his top Lieutenants and if he can be found, John Connor. Also, a single human protector is sent back to protect Connor.(Schwarzenegger)It is up to the terminator to protect John, and Katherine Bruester as well.


Meanwhile, Judgement Day has only postponed. Skynet has been created, and is about to go self-aware. Can it be stopped?!?!?



I thought it was very,very good, especially with everyone's thoughts that this movie would bomb. It didn't, that's all I have to say 'bout that. Lots of funny jokes and stuff, even though the movie was supposed to be serious. I commend you, Mr. Mostow. Now what will they name T4? It can't be called Judgement Day, so will it be called JD2? The Human fight against the machines? The Death of the Machines? The terror of Osama Bin Laden?

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I just saw T3 today, and holy crap. I am a huge Terminator fan, have been for years, and people had told me this movie was going to suck. They were dead wrong. In fact, it was so good that It gave me flashbacks of T1 and T2. T3 is the best movie I have seen this year. A nice ending, too. Unlike the other 2 endings where judgement day was just around the corner or...postponned. Thats what I was expecting, so that was a good ending. THERE BETTER BE A SEQUEL!! I don't care if he is 55, THERE MUST BE A T4!!!!

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You may have 268 THOUSAND credits... but you're still crazy.

T3 was BORING! There was nothing special about it. Same plot as all the other T movies. John Connor must survive. There were no, Holy S*** spots or anything. It just progressed the story. X2 was WAY better, and I liked the Matrix: Reloaded better too. And how could you want ANOTHER sequel?! This was already the third! It's the same story over, and OVER again...


PS StarWarsPhreak still sucks... and can't spell for s***

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

You may have 268 THOUSAND credits... but you're still crazy.

T3 was BORING! There was nothing special about it. Same plot as all the other T movies. John Connor must survive. There were no, Holy S*** spots or anything. It just progressed the story. X2 was WAY better, and I liked the Matrix: Reloaded better too. And how could you want ANOTHER sequel?! This was already the third! It's the same story over, and OVER again...


PS StarWarsPhreak still sucks... and can't spell for s***



Bite me^_^


It was a good movie if you are a true fan and not just a critic who thinks you are better thank everyone else;)



PS: don't diss SWF, no credits for you. *donates to everyone else on the page*:D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

The part where he puts on the star shaped glasses has got to be one of the best movie scenes ever.


I couldn't possibly agree with you more. :D


I loved it, but thought the ending needed like ten more minutes showing more of

Judgement Day happening...


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Originally posted by Redwing

I loved it, but thought the ending needed like ten more minutes showing more of

Judgement Day happening...


That's what T4 is for...

what's to show? everyone dying? kind of a downer to end the movie on, showing horrific deaths n ****. being so personally close to 9/11 i'm glad they show a lot of people dying. it's already sad enough. my biggest complaint is that it was supposed to end in T2... it didn't. they stretched it out for more $$$. i also hate the idea of not having free will. ie: judgement day cannot be stopped. and claire daine's character... i just have issues with her, that's all. she should be more upset that her life is basically f'ed. it's been completely flipped upside down in a matter of hours and already she's getting attached to john connor by the end of the movie? hullo???


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Yes, T4 will be entirely about Judgement Day, Redwing. You will see plenty of man vs machines there. It will tell the final story of Judgement Day.



T4 will end with Katherine Bruester leading the humans to victory because John Connor will be dead in 2032, because he is killed by the same Arnold that comes back in T3 to protect him.


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actually, it wont be. because...

it cant be a movie which spans so many years. he was older in the flashbacks of T3, which means he will have to get married. at some point. judgement day is the humans just all getting whipped. POST judgement day will be the fight.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by pbguy1211

You may have 268 THOUSAND credits... but you're still crazy.

T3 was BORING! There was nothing special about it. Same plot as all the other T movies. John Connor must survive. There were no, Holy S*** spots or anything. It just progressed the story. X2 was WAY better, and I liked the Matrix: Reloaded better too. And how could you want ANOTHER sequel?! This was already the third! It's the same story over, and OVER again...


PS StarWarsPhreak still sucks... and can't spell for s***


One thing for sure.


I don't know who you are or where you came from, but this movie was at least better then the matrix reloaded crap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

T3 was cool ... :cool:


And the sequel to T3 is ... The Matrix (storywise it is actually). And the sequel to Matrix Revolutions is Planet of the Apes :p


T3 ... cool movie, bad story. C'mon the concept of the movie is yet again the same. One Terminator to kill, one to protect. Put some chase scenes in and ... tadaa.


The end ... didn't like it. If you're gonna stick to the old Terminator formula, then postpone Judgement Day a little ...

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And the sequel to T3 is ... The Matrix (storywise it is actually).


OMG, that's exactly what I was telling everyone I saw it with.


Having not seen the first two Terminators might have made me all discombobulated, but I thought T3 was very cool. Bring on the sequel.

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