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shock ~ unnamed

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

seta disable_item_shield_sm_instant "1"

seta disable_item_shield_lrg_instant "1"

seta disable_item_medpak_instant "1"

seta disable_item_medpak "1"

seta disable_item_medpac "1"


ah thats them. lol

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To further describe what those are for those who are unfamiliar with the Q3 engine configuration, they are cvars that you add into the server.cfg file in order to remove the items from the server.


To do this open up your server.cfg in notepad. Scroll down to an area below the main server configuration cvars. Cut and paste them in. Reupload the server.cfg via FTP if you have a remote server. If you run a server off a box all you need to do is restart it. Then go into your server, open console, type in your rcon, then /rcon exec server.cfg. WALLAH, all items disabled are gone.

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It was supposed to be dark purple, the "Store" view of it looked cool, but it kind of looks, well, you all can tell how it looks. Bleh, and I spent all the rest of my credits on my sig. Now I have to wait for more to change my name color, and I have a cool "member rank" name I'm going to add too, that fits in quite nice with the current theme of things around here.


UJ, why'd you change your sig?

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None of breaks posts are showing up tard. I know how to navigate a freaking forum. Go back to TWL and kiss their asses some more.


Can anyone quote breaks posts, I seriously can't see them, they're not showing up on my screen at all.


Originally posted by Haemon

Whats the dF stand for?


I dunno for Break, but for his case, DUMB blah. Get the picture?

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