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Why not just ask the guy?!?!

Reaper Girl

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Okay. Lots of people are upset because Mi3 was not made by Ron Glibert.

*waits to be wildly pelted w/t apples for starting another thread on this topic*


But, instead of crying, whining, or ranting (looks specifacly at certain people)......


Seriously. I'm being absoulty serious. Somebody should get the guy's adress or e-mail.

I'm sure he'd tell us if we pleaded (theartened?) eneough. And anyway, he'd never be able to make Mi3, because it was already made...


*cowers because she feels the apples coming8

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It's been asked countless times. In a semi-recent interview with lovely Mojo staffer Telarium, Ron stated something like "Elaine would never fall in love with guybrush"


So there you go.


Fun fact: did you know Ron Gilbert is an amateur pilot? Although it's (mostly) down now, he used to run romeozulu.com. He also wrote this program for the Palm pilot:




It's no coincidence that the copyright info at the bottom of the page says it's by Ron Gilbert.


When Gilbert was in Monkey Island, his address was Romeozulu@c353591-b.mrcr1.wa.home.com, as you can see in the chat log, currently available here:




Knowledge is powar.

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Originally posted by mercatfat

It's been asked countless times. In a semi-recent interview with lovely Mojo staffer Telarium, Ron stated something like "Elaine would never fall in love with guybrush"


Oh dear. That pet theory I had a few months back was actually almost right. ...Though, um, didn't she sort of fall in love with him in MI1? (Maybe he meant that Elaine would never marry Guybrush?)


Hm. I seem to be torn between curiosity at what might have been and joining my MI writing muses in sniffling over this little factoid.

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Elaine and Guybrush should never have been married, that's what Ron said was the one thing that bothered him most about CMI.

Although, it seems like they have been dating somewhere between MI1 and MI2. Guybrush says it countless in MI2 and I remember Elaine telling him that they were a mistake.

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Originally posted by FireCam (Jonas)

I remember Elaine telling him that they were a mistake.


Yep. I think her exacts words were, "Don't you see, Guybrush? We were a mistake!"


Though, I honestly think that they should be married. It's just my interpretation of Guybrush's character that leads me to that--a lot of what he does seems to be motivated by Elaine or, at the very least, Elaine's presence. He strikes me as a very "clingy" guy, too, in that it seems like he needs someone who'll always be there to love and support him, etc. (And it does make sense...since his parents apparently abandoned him...) He picked Elaine.


[sorry, I sort of wandered into the realm of character analysis there. But, see, I have no life, so I think about these things way more than I should.]

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I would have liked to see Guybrush chase Elaine while she sort of pushed him away, would have been fun[ny].

And Ron has said that sometime in the future (probably far far in the future) he would like to get back the rights to Monkey Island and make a Monkey Island 3a (if Mojo were up I'd quote what he said in the interview). Which is why he's not telling.

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