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Originally posted by Kainite

that mod is called metamod, a JA mod rip off and has a kick limiter thing, so if you kick too much you automatically lose :) Silly huh



Thanks for all the info people. It beats lookin it up myself.;)

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This post was pointed out to me by a friend, and I feel it needs to be answered correctly and some facts corrected.


The mod being described (now called BYMod, formally called metamod) is a mod developed exclusively for the BYGames JK2 community. Metamod was originally developed to allow ANY existing jk2 mod to run with additional plugins. (for those of you familiar with how metamod work with hl and cs that should make sense). The idea being to allow mods such as adminmod and JA mod to run in conjunction with other mods like Disruption, Omnimod, Xmod etc, etc.


The kick limiting feature (described in this thread) is one small feature of the mod which is especially relevant to the BYGames community, as we are a saber only no force community, and as such we found that excessive kicking was a problem. This particular feature was designed to allow the admins control over how many kick were acceptable during a duel. The game enforces that after a certain number of kick, any additional kicks do no damage to your opponent (and kicking again not only does no damage, it also disabled your ability to gain other advantages, which we have found forces duelers to strategically plan their kicks. The screenshot shown if from a very old version of the mod, but the idea is still correct (early versions of the mod m-slapped you if you over kicked!).


One of the most significant features this mod introduced is in game user accounts, persistent statistics and rankings.


For details on the other features, check out:



The site is slightly out of date, and doesn't incorporate any of the new development's for version 0.3.0 (such as the new InstaGib mode, think Disruption but better and the new Team Elimination mode - think CS with lightsabers, not to mention the new *optional* clientside mod to allow for improved in game scoreboards and rankings menus).


and I almost forgot to mention "free kicks", InstaKick, no-kick duel modes, "points betting", and the ever popular Multi-Duel mode.


I think it is a little unfair to call it a "JA mod" rip-off, as the only overlap is that we provide the standard run of the mill adminmod/JA mod admin commands such as msleep etc as well. BYMod is all about producing quality new gamemodes and enhancements to existing ones (like blocking map exploits on CTF maps ala Xmod). Any whilst we enhance the quality even further with an option client mod, we also provide 100% functionality for players without the client mod.


Forgive the shameless promotion, but it matters not as the mod isn’t publicly available anyway.


And I won't publish the server IP on which it runs either, as im not trying to promote the mod our the servers on which it runs.





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Originally posted by Trimbo

This post was pointed out to me by a friend, and I feel it needs to be answered correctly and some facts corrected.


The mod being described (now called BYMod, formally called metamod) is a mod developed exclusively for the BYGames JK2 community. Metamod was originally developed to allow ANY existing jk2 mod to run with additional plugins. (for those of you familiar with how metamod work with hl and cs that should make sense). The idea being to allow mods such as adminmod and JA mod to run in conjunction with other mods like Disruption, Omnimod, Xmod etc, etc.


The kick limiting feature (described in this thread) is one small feature of the mod which is especially relevant to the BYGames community, as we are a saber only no force community, and as such we found that excessive kicking was a problem. This particular feature was designed to allow the admins control over how many kick were acceptable during a duel. The game enforces that after a certain number of kick, any additional kicks do no damage to your opponent (and kicking again not only does no damage, it also disabled your ability to gain other advantages, which we have found forces duelers to strategically plan their kicks. The screenshot shown if from a very old version of the mod, but the idea is still correct (early versions of the mod m-slapped you if you over kicked!).


One of the most significant features this mod introduced is in game user accounts, persistent statistics and rankings.


For details on the other features, check out:



The site is slightly out of date, and doesn't incorporate any of the new development's for version 0.3.0 (such as the new InstaGib mode, think Disruption but better and the new Team Elimination mode - think CS with lightsabers, not to mention the new *optional* clientside mod to allow for improved in game scoreboards and rankings menus).


and I almost forgot to mention "free kicks", InstaKick, no-kick duel modes, "points betting", and the ever popular Multi-Duel mode.


I think it is a little unfair to call it a "JA mod" rip-off, as the only overlap is that we provide the standard run of the mill adminmod/JA mod admin commands such as msleep etc as well. BYMod is all about producing quality new gamemodes and enhancements to existing ones (like blocking map exploits on CTF maps ala Xmod). Any whilst we enhance the quality even further with an option client mod, we also provide 100% functionality for players without the client mod.


Forgive the shameless promotion, but it matters not as the mod isn’t publicly available anyway.


And I won't publish the server IP on which it runs either, as im not trying to promote the mod our the servers on which it runs.






So a bunch of fags that cant fight need to put limitations on there server.

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Originally posted by Kainite

you just said the key word thought tosh, its THEIR server and thus can do what they want :D leave em to it, theres plenty of other servers out there that play 'properly' :p


/agree but my thoughts still stand :)... and as we have seen in some demos when clans that play to these skills play other clans they get up set when they still loose.


is it not best to get good at all moves!


look at fallen and the rest of there clan.. they are not good because they know how to grip kick, they are good because they know what they need to do to win, no matter what playing style the person they are fighting is using... adaptability!


when they got RID of BS they thought they solved the problem BUT no then kick become the main point of complaint. I still see on servers when people die to some one lighting them... YOU NOOB. lmfao you just got killed by that noob. (btw I would like to point out that yes BS was a problem but it was a point of reference)

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

So a bunch of fags that cant fight need to put limitations on there server.


I think you misunderstand, we introduced kick limiting because our own players were abusing the move. Several other UK jk2 communities (Jolt, BW, WP) were avioding playing on our servers and with our community members as they felt that we (BYGames players) were over using the kick move. Infact, these other communities go so far as to set kick damage to 0 in some servers, thus removing the move entirly, whereas we have gone for a solution that allows kick in moderation.


Most people regard 3 kicks in 1 duel to be the limit, more than that is considerd lame, would you agree? and if so, why not simply enforce that rule with a mod, rather than forcing players to squable about it every duel?. Take our "no kick" feature, where both duelers can agree BEFORE the duel that kick is to be turn off for that duel (and the mod enforced that decision). This allows for the option of supporting kickers/non-kickers on the same server, at the same time. Its all about offering choice.


So, as you can see, it is to help non-community members that we introduced this feature. I assure you that we have many players who will quite hapily own you, me, or anyone else all day if kicking is allowed and unrestricted.

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Originally posted by Trimbo

I think you misunderstand, we introduced kick limiting because our own players were abusing the move. Several other UK jk2 communities (Jolt, BW, WP) were avioding playing on our servers and with our community members as they felt that we (BYGames players) were over using the kick move. Infact, these other communities go so far as to set kick damage to 0 in some servers, thus removing the move entirly, whereas we have gone for a solution that allows kick in moderation.


Most people regard 3 kicks in 1 duel to be the limit, more than that is considerd lame, would you agree? and if so, why not simply enforce that rule with a mod, rather than forcing players to squable about it every duel?. Take our "no kick" feature, where both duelers can agree BEFORE the duel that kick is to be turn off for that duel (and the mod enforced that decision). This allows for the option of supporting kickers/non-kickers on the same server, at the same time. Its all about offering choice.


So, as you can see, it is to help non-community members that we introduced this feature. I assure you that we have many players who will quite hapily own you, me, or anyone else all day if kicking is allowed and unrestricted.


ok after reading this i can under stand you reasons, plus it also makes it a little more noob friendly. plus if its se to 3 kicks in one dule that also is not a problem. well sort of not a problem, as you realy then need to goven other moves like drain and such, then aging just looked back at your post and its no force anyhow. if you got it set up to no force would it not be just as easy to set jump to lvl0. or do you like the jump to get to ledges and area.


well at the end of the day people set there servers to how they want them. the way i like to play is on servers that the only mod they have is the saber dmg a little higher and leave the rest as it is. full force full guns and just kill cap and have fun, no sitting there watching (well unless in a duel server) little chat going on. and just play. no matter how good you are. if you find your not that good join team games and load a force power that helps team members you will soon find you get respect for that and players more willing to help you learn moves and such.



did you buy this game just to swing a saber...or the fact you get to use force powers..cant be just for the guns as to many games out there like that anyhow. for me it was the mix of all 3 force sabers and guns. faster the pace of the game the happyer i am


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Originally posted by Trimbo

whereas we have gone for a solution that allows kick in moderation.


Most people regard 3 kicks in 1 duel to be the limit, more than that is considerd lame, would you agree?



mmmmmmm I would not call it lame but I guess thats reasonable, 3 is usually plenty in a duel.



This of course would be a good way to compromise between those who are anti kick and those who are pro kick.


Kicker can still use it but not wear it out.

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