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battle, anyone?


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Originally posted by Admiral

I wish I knew the differences between the classes, if there are any.


For your convenience:








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Class/Good and Evil: Your class and choice of sides affects your Attack, Magic Attack, Speed, Defense, Magic Defense, and Evade numbers. If you're Evil (Orc) your Attack goes up and your Defense goes down. If you're Good (Human) your Defense goes up and your Attack goes down.


Element: Your element affects your HP (Health, red bar), MA (Magic, blue bar), PP (Power, purple bar) [currently does nothing, just an FYI], and your starting AP (Anger Percentage, yellow bar).


Some elements are balanced, some are one-sided. Examples: Wind is a balanced element, with an even spread of health, magic and power. Light is one-sided, with very high health and very low magic and power. (In theory. If you switch elements, especially early on, there's no telling what you'll end up with eventually.)


Anger/Missing: Your AP (Anger) goes up every time you miss a blow or fail to do damage. When you're 100% angry you get one exponentially powerful attack (that can unfortunately still miss.)


Experience/Leveling Up: Your green Exp bar goes up each time you win a battle. Each time it increases all your other bars increase with it. When it reaches 100% you level up and your skills get higher. (if you lose enough battles they might go up too. I'm not sure. But your colored bars won't unless you win.)


A few hints: Get armor. Punches can then bounce off you and hurt the attacker. Weapons can't rebound but they miss. Alot. That's how you equalize (or randomize) things. If you have high magic, invest in a spell or it won't be doing you any good.


And...always, always use the Update stats option when you win a battle (i.e. when your green bar goes up), or you might not get the benefits. I think that's all.


Yes, I'm bored. Why do you ask?

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