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LucasArts press day

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Okay, so bright and early tomorrow morning I'm off to San Francisco to represent AG at Lucasarts' summer press day. There isn't a lot of adventure gaming interest, to be honest. In fact, there's apparently just a new video of FTII. No Sam and Max yet :(


Greetings from LucasArts!


We wanted to pass along a tentative schedule for our July 25th press day.


Friday, July 25

9:30am Arrival/Coffee and snacks

9:45-10:00 Intro/Welcome

10:00-10:20 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

10:20-10:40 Secret Weapons Over Normandy

10:40-11:00 Armed and Dangerous

11:00-11:20 Wrath Unleashed

11:20-11:40 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

11:40-12:00 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

12:00-12:15 Full Throttle: Hell on Wheels

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:30 Hands-on time with games (including Gladius)

6:30 Meet at hotel lobby/bar

7:30 Dinner


I'll make sure to report back on how that video looks, though ;)


For anyone wondering, DJG will be there representing Mojo.

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Wow! Coffee! Oh, and games!


Maybe they'll have a little bit of FT2 in the hands-on time. After all, it's supposedly only another 6 months or so before it comes out. I'm really curious to hear how the game plays, and what the atmosphere is like. I'd be more than willing to overlook the graphical, um, issues if it handles well and feels like a Full Throttle game oughta.


And keep in mind that it does say tentative schedule. What would be really cool is if they scrap the whole agenda and Simon comes out wearing a cloak and carrying a copy of Sam and Max, saying, "Now witness the firepower of this fully operational video game!" :deathii: Followed, of course, by the sensory sensation that is an entire press corps wetting itself.


I dream big. And weird.

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Full Throttle II was cut from the demo schedule, so we didn't get to see anything from it. Alexis said they didn't feel it was ready to show off yet.


A&D was cool, though. We got to see a new weapon: one that launches sharks that pop up from underground and eat the enemies, alá Jaws. Dan even said they were trying to get permission to include the Jaws theme :)

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