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Terminator 3

Darth Groovy

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I think that now is a good time to point out, since I failed to do so in the thread title(Harbor mods, feel free to help me out), to NOT post any spoilers in the thread to ruin movie experiences for viewers outside of American soil. The simple resolution is to post the ( [ spoiler]info[/spoiler ] without spaces) tags when revealing plot points. Sorry for overlooking that earlier.

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I found the movie very enjoyable. While it didn't take itself as seriously as the past movies (especially in the introduction), it had a lot of great action. It also had a decent storyline (the ending was a surprise for me).



I especially loved the ending where you see all of the nukes firing across the world. The fact that exactly that could happen (although not for the same reasons, obviously - maybe a foolish president in the future) is a very deep subject for me. Sure, I knew it could happen before.. but seeing how they showed it was just "D:".


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Althought both the notion and the trailer were apalling, I quite liked it. Thankfully, like Thrik said, it didn't take itself too seriously (with every line from Arnie's mouth clealry being remembered by audience members, so they can annoy me by incessently reciting them later). It stayed true to what it is, a simple action flick - no "crazy" twists, no incredibly inspired characters, just a lot of running away from bad people.


I guess a lot of fanboys will be angry though.

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Thankfully, the movie had all of the major elements as the past two films. It did not try to be like other action movies, there was no bullet time nonsense, or rediculous stunts. Despite having a hot younge blonde as the new nemesis, it did not resort to gratuitous nudity, at least, no more than the previous films. One strong thing was the performance by Arnold has proved that he can walk into the role of the Terminator at will. Also noteable was the performance of Nick Stahl as John Conner.


My main gripes with the film. One being the obvious, a third Terminator movie was just not necessary. Another, is that it seemed to lack some of the humanity that really shined in T-2, Another is I felt the film was a bit too short, and not enough fighting between Arnold and the TX. Also:



The ending was a bummer, yeah having a war monger for a president, and seeing a movie that ends with nukes in the sky, is not something that really cheers me up at the moment...sorry. I feel the movie had a great start, but ultimately lead up to a whole lot of nothing.


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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

and not enough fighting between Arnold and the TX. Also:



The ending was a bummer, yeah having a war monger for a president, and seeing a movie that ends with nukes in the sky, is not something that really cheers me up at the moment...sorry. I feel the movie had a great start, but ultimately lead up to a whole lot of nothing.



The one or Two fights between Arnie and the TX seemed a little uneeded. We all knew he couldn't beat here, he was hardly good enough to beat the T1000, we all knew he'd get his face kicked in (best part of the movie...nah). His last words 'You have been Terminated' were exceedingly well done and got a really good cheer from the audience. I think the ending was also a bit dissapointing, but then again, all the movie was showing was the journey from the beginning to the end we saw at the start of the movie. I does kind of step on the whole 'No Fate' idea put forth by Sarah.

Oh, and I loved the Logical paradox that shut down Arnie, beautiful.


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Don't watch this movie!!!! I had overwhelning excpetations to this movie, the trailer made it look soooo NICE! But I almost felt asleep watching it... (actually I did) I just still can't believe it was so bad :(

I can only say two good things about this movie:


#1 The Girl (Yeah, she's a hottie) :D

#2 The first pair of sunglasses that he wears, they're just awesome!

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Well, like scabb said, I true fan may not like it as much, but if you're in the mood for action and pointless fight scenes, then go watch it for the adrenalin rush (you'll actually get one this time, unlike xXx stated)

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Hey, what about fan girls, Scabb:mad: ?!


Yeah, I guess only us fans hated it...

For me, this hatred is personal. I grew up with "Terminator" (and alot of other violent movies...my mom trusted my dad too much:D ) I didn't apprecitate the deep dark themes untill i was 12, and blah,blahblahblah blah.


I won't rattle on, but like all the fans say, only the non-fan devils will enjoy this movie.

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My sister went to see it today and whilst loving it, noticed a small plot hole (it's more amusing than annoying)



At the beginning, when Arnie gets his clothes, he breaks into a car and then looks for the keys in the flappy thing at the top instead of hotwiring the vehicle. Why? Because he was taught it by John in T2. But then, he says later that he's not the same Terminator but actually one off of a production line which was reprogrammed to protect John and his wife. So how could he have known to get the keys? Meh, not too big, but there ya go.


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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

My sister went to see it today and whilst loving it, noticed a small plot hole (it's more amusing than annoying)



At the beginning, when Arnie gets his clothes, he breaks into a car and then looks for the keys in the flappy thing at the top instead of hotwiring the vehicle. Why? Because he was taught it by John in T2. But then, he says later that he's not the same Terminator but actually one off of a production line which was reprogrammed to protect John and his wife. So how could he have known to get the keys? Meh, not too big, but there ya go.


Heh good point.



Also, why does he lay waste to the cops at the cemetary without killing anyone? Really makes you wonder doesn't it? Even James Cameron knew that a T-3 was never necessary.


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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Heh good point.



Also, why does he lay waste to the cops at the cemetary without killing anyone? Really makes you wonder doesn't it? Even James Cameron knew that a T-3 was never necessary.



yeah, But when the terminator was reprogrammed in the future, he was probably programmed not to kill an civilians and only robots which is why he left none dead at the cemetary. But yeah, T2 should have been the end of it, they destroyed skynet and destroyed all the chips, there it should have ended, but no, lets just say they prosponed it. still, good movie though.


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So I saw Terminator 3 last night and I sure felt well entertained. The action was amazing and along with the special effects there was quite a lot of eye candy. The actual storyline was a bit dissappointing though. There were lots and lots of fighting scenes but only a few actual conversations between the characters. What I particularly liked about the movie was the fact that it didn't take itself as seriously as the previous movies did....meaning you'll find quite some jokes in the movie that are actually good. All in all I would certainly recommend Terminator 3 although I wasn't as thrilled as I had been when I saw the second movie for the first time.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

yeah, But when the terminator was reprogrammed in the future, he was probably programmed not to kill an civilians and only robots which is why he left none dead at the cemetary. But yeah, T2 should have been the end of it, they destroyed skynet and destroyed all the chips, there it should have ended, but no, lets just say they prosponed it. still, good movie though.


Well not as bad as I thought it would be. Very fun in some spots, definitely worth seeing for all fans of the series.

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Not sure of your sources, but I hope that is not true. Arnold cannot keep up this act for too many more years, nobody will believe that Cyberdine systems would purposesly put out a geriatric terminator for any reason whatsoever. Besides, a fourth film would be even less necessary than this one.

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A friend of mine told me so and I think I remember Arnold saying it during an interview a while back. Anyways, if there should be a fourth movie it would probably take place in the future and in the future only. Anything else wouldn't make sense.


Personally I'd like to see that...

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