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How to report....


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I do NOT condone the act of piracy, though I do question why you may want to go out of your way to report piracy sites.


If I had a dollar for how many piracy sites ive encountered...well, i'd have a lot of dollars. But it is a good choice, though I doubt anything will be done about it. But hopefully the site will be taken down.


Regarding the RIAA (sp?), I do think that it is getting a bit overblown. I know that it is wrong, but it is unsettling to hear of a 60 + year old man being sued 10,000 + dollars for downloading his "oldies hits" ( which really happened). While I think this may slow down piracy in that regard, I do think the price people are paying for this are a bit high. The majority who download music and the like really don't see anything wrong, they simply download, because everyone else is doing it ( WHICH IS WRONG). But when they get a huge fine, things tend to become bigger than they really are.

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Originally posted by Emon

And on another side note, you spelled offense wrong.



Uhh Emon, it can actually be spelt both ways.



This word, like expense, is often spelled with a c. It ought, however, to undergo the same change with expense, the reasons being the same, namely, that s must be used in offensive as in expensive, and is found in the Latin offensio, and the French offense.



Hope that clears that up.

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

Hmm maybe since crimes like murder and "theft" which is odd you mention "theft", because that's what this post is about. lol These things still happen so maybe you should just give up on living and throw in the towel. At least before someone stills all your crap and shoots you. That's from your point of view I will stick to my own thanks. ;)


Ever heard of sarcasm? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Lach

And how many people from Enron have been given jail sentences to date? Oh right-NOT ONE: The goverment has more important things to do then handle software pirates.

If nothing has happened with ENRON do you really think they give a rats AS@ about the computer game industry?


Originally posted by Xiarti

Thank you to the ones who gave helpful replies. I just hate pirating, because yes, it does hurt the gaming industry.

One of the sites was made just for the purpose of distributing the beta and had over 200 downloads when I looked. It was being advertised on the Zone, and multiple games were playing it.

Anyway, I've sent e-mails to both Ravensoft and LucasArts. Here's hoping both sites get shut down. :D


Helpful replies lol.... Shut them down there is 100 more that you don't know about good luck on your crusade. ;) Like I said before 9 out of 10 of the people who DL this beta game wouldn't have bought it in the 1st place. 2nd these people are also going to be the ones DLing the full release version when the game comes out. For example you can get JKO online if you want. I purchased mine, but not everyone wants the game enough to buy it and they will fined away around having to do that. If reporting them makes you feel better than more power to you.


If you really want to feel heroic why don't you go bust some druggies and report them to the cops.... Oh wait a minute I wonder how many people here on this forum do illegal drugs of some kind, but are crying about pirated buggy beta games?


I'm sure some of you would argue the marijuana should be legal lol, but because you have a different point of view than the government doesn't make you legal. Isn't that kind of hypocritical?


I'm personally going to buy the release game when it comes out. JKO was a game worth buying so I will hope JKA is too, but Oh well.....

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I'm wondering whether this thread is actually on topic? If people don't want warez and gamez mentioned here because they wish to maintain a good relationship with the developer is one thing - and is up to the moderators - but if this is going to develop into a full blown thread about sw piracy and intellectual property in general there are more than simply market considerations to think about - such as the seemingly inate nature of information to spread regardless of the kind of regulations we try to put on it.

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the fine is fair!! you deserve to go to jail if you decide to risk creating a website violating WESTERN law! nobody made them put it on their site. they deserve what comes their way.


and as for those who say "who would buy it when its free"? if people didn't buy JO there would be no JA for you to dl for nothing. if you were a jedi true and a SW fan you would buy it to support the lucas arts community. im not saying you have to buy everything, but if you like a game so much you are on the discussion boards before its release, you are obviously interested in it, thus you should show your support to the game makers.


the underlying thing here: if theres no more Jedi Knight games, you can't complain


those who are buying, may the force be with you :p



Originally posted by Emon

You're right. I forgot about those whacky Canadian, Australlian and Europeon spellings.

thats typical american arogance. MORE people spell it that way. YOU are the wacky ones lol...

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Anyway, regardless of any potential fines and whether or not they are applied, and regardless of what may or may not happen to Enron, Martha Stuart or whatever ... there is the matter of this leaked and now pirated beta version of Jedi Academy, and about reportng people and sites related to that.


Why do I not want the illegal beta as a subject here:


- It represents piracy.


- Piracy impacts the success of a game, which in turn impacts the publisher, which in turn impacts the developer, which in turn impacts us gamers.


- How? Say the gross profit drops from 25% to 20% per copy due entirely to piracy. A company like LucasArts or Raven has a business model related to income and expense, like any company. If they are getting less income due to piracy, they will have to limit expense. This could mean layoffs, or cutting projects. But often it means limiting - or at least tightly controlling - scope and expenses on a given project. So while having meaningful secret areas may mean something to us, and may have been a goal for Raven, it may well be that due to pirating of JKII they don't have the cash in this project to expend the man-hours needed to do it. So the gaming industry may have pirated itself out of any future games like Deus Ex or Jedi Knight ...


- People who pirate have already shown a willingness to disregard rules. Why should we think they should follow the rules the rest of us follow on these boards? Indeed, many of them have been flouting their copies about here, pointing out features and things like that, not using spoiler tags, inserting spoilers into existing threads. If I thought they would respect the rest of the board, I would say 'make a beta thread', and I'd stay away. But they have been unable to refrain from inserting spoilers all over the place.


- There is a difference between rumors and spoilers. Rumors have been around, and we've heard things tthrough interviews, etc, but many of us don't want to know first-hand details of the game from a real gamer perspective, especially areas LA/Raven have chosen not to disclose, until we play it ourselves/



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hey. i agree with everything you just said. However, on the scale of risks to legality and the general well-being of the public i would rank the RIAA way above pirates. At least pirates don't have billions of dollars, senators in their pockets and the seeming ability to get unconstitutional, draconian laws passed at will just on their word alone.


I'd pay money to see them get taken down a peg or two...

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Originally posted by toms

hey. i agree with everything you just said. However, on the scale of risks to legality and the general well-being of the public i would rank the RIAA way above pirates. At least pirates don't have billions of dollars, senators in their pockets and the seeming ability to get unconstitutional, draconian laws passed at will just on their word alone.


I'd pay money to see them get taken down a peg or two...


While that may be true ... think of it this way.


- The right to organize into an association is protected, and that should include everyone.


- Companies have the right to expect that they can sell products without having them stolen, and should also have the right to strongly prosecute those violating laws protecting theft of those products. And while I don't want to see 8 year olds in cuffs for downloading 'Oops I did it again', if someone has downloaded 30GB of music, 7500 songs by iPod math, or about 750 CD's worth - a retail value of >$10,000 ... should their punishment not be proportionate to someone who has stolen >$10,000 of merchandise?


Just in case anyone thinks I'm a RIAA patsy:

- I remember when CD's first came out, and I was paying $15, a premium over albums and tapes, but the word was that costs would come down over time ... we know that costs have come WAY down, but my wife was remarking while looking at the (Apple) iTunes music store that sells CD's for $9.99 each at how 'cheap' it was ... I agreed for a minute ...

- What the RIAA are doing, and what Sony have done, could have been largely avoided had they helped create something like the iTunes music store 5 years ago. The ability to preview music, and buy it by the song is a great thing. INSTEAD, they have entrenched themselves, denied anything was happening, and allowed this horrible black market to grow, bringing with it the 'new digital morality' that I have been thrashing against here with the 'beta warez' apologists.



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It doesn't matter but considering the English language originated from England (well duh) and I am a resident of England I believe that offence is the true spelling of the word, however I suppose cultural relativism allows for variations of the word from the language which America adopted from England, so Emon was technically right in thinking that offense was only way to spell it, as that is all he's known to spell it, its not arrogancy, its not knowing any better about how other people spell it.


Anyway this is compeltely irrelevant, lets get back on to the topic of how to report something (I'm all up for it now because I've got my Beta copy JOKING)

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Originally posted by Count Dooku

language which America adopted from England


We didn't adopt the language. Our ancestors were English and it has past down to us. It has been changed and modified by Americans along the way. Language evolves threw time. Americans don't speak British English we speak American English. It's ours you can spell your words how you like and we will be spelling words how we like.:p


No county can own the rights to a language. I don't see England getting a copyright law on the English language any time soon sorry.;)

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Moral or ethical or not it (warez/piracy) still doesn't fly here.


There are a lot of places you can report piracy if that's what you want to do. Don't post the links here, they will be deleted and could lead to banning.



Instead, you can try calling the SPA (1-800-SPA-PIR8 something like that) or the IDSA. They handle that kind of thing.


Our goal isn't to stop all piracy, that's beyond our powers. Rather our goal is to remove the trolls who seek to promote it so blatantly on our site.


They are ALREADY WARNED, and are without excuse.


I agree that a keyserver is a good idea for Jedi Academy, however this was an unfinished product that was stolen, and thus couldn't have been expected to have the same level of protection that a fully robust commercial product would have. Thus people can't say 'well since it didn't have a cd key then it's okay to pirate it.'


People who one would think were smarter are registering and ignoring our rules, even after being warned again and again. This, we do not take kindy to.


PS - I'm still on vacation, but that doesn't mean I haven't stopped watching... ; )

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