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What is "The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood: The Monkey Island Years"?


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What exactly is "The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood: The Monkey Island Years"?


There are quotes from it on almost every monkey island website, but I can't figure out what it actually is... Is it a walkthrough book? is it in the manuals that come with the games? (I haven't seen it)...?


anybody know?

(i'm sure everyone else besides me knows what this is)

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You can find an excerpt from the Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood on every single Monkey Island game box. As far as I know those little excerpts are only supposed to give you a little information about what the game actually deals with. There's no real book or anything you could buy.....although I'd like it.

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Well, I guess the idea is that after all the games Guybrush sits down and writes his auto-biography, called The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood. And the parts so far played out in the games are fondly called The Monkey Island years by Guybrush as he reflects on what happened. Who knows, maybe we'll have a different era for Monkey Island 5.

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I believe ALL of you are wrong. Yes, RemiO, the official Monkey Island hintbook has something to do with it, but not all. The hint book was written in question/answer form, but in the back is a good....21 extremely short "chapters"(13 pages) of the whole game in story form. It gives most of the thoughts, ideas, and and brainstorms of Guybrush. They just so happen to be called "The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood: The Monkey Island Years."


These memiors start off quite nicely written:


For the benefit of those of you who have ever dreamed of becoming a pirate, of mastering sword and sea, of stealing unimaginable wealth, of swilling grog until your head reels and your stomach wrenches, and of questing for that mysterious and powerful elixir, true love, I, Guybrush Threepwood, do here set quill pen to paper in the hopes of discouraging you from trying. Learn by example, if you please...


And then, after that, the small font starts, and the actual adventure, starting with the lookout, begins.


I believe, this is part, if not all, of what this fellow was looking for. It only involves SOMI, but is an extremely good read, and quite fun. Hope it answered some questions.




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The official MI2 walkthrough, in the MI2 hintbook, is labeled Volume II of the "Memoirs." So both the MI1 and MI2 walkthroughs constitute part of the Memoirs. However, neither contains the excerpts on the back of the boxes which are also supposedly from the "Memoirs," as I recall.


When Jo Ashburn took over writing the walkthroughs, he renamed them. So the official walkthroughs for CMI and EMI are called "My So-Called Life in the Caribbean, Volume #." In my opinion, these are not really written in the same "memoir-like" style of the first two.


However, the excerpts from the "Memoirs" appear on the boxes of all four of the games.

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If ever anyone wanted these memoirs, they could ask someone with ALOT of time and ALOT of speed typewriting to type them out and email them. (Monkey Island Websites would enjoy them too, I'm sure) I suggest this because I'm not too sure that you're going to find these anywhere to purchase in the world. I'd do the typing, but at the moment, I have a book to read, 200 questions to answer, and a paper to write in the next 4 days. This darned school....




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I should have been more specific. I have the LucasArts Classic Adventures package that has SOMI, Loom, Zak McKracken etc... In the book it came with, it has a hint section for each game. For the SOMI hint section, it has "The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood: The Monkey Island Years". In the book, it has basically a walkthrough in story form through the eyes of Guybrush. It only covers the first Monkey Island though. That is where the quote that was given earlier came from.


What I was really curious about was is this only a piece of it? In the book that I have, it only covers the first MI, but on all of the MI sites, they have quotes from "The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood: The Monkey Island Years" talking about MI 1, 2, AND 3... Is the one I have just a small piece of it. And is this what everyone else is saying that is hard to get, or is there a complete version out there somewhere covering all of them?


(sorry that was so long and confusing, but if there is a "complete" version out there, I would really like to know)

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Originally posted by Thrik

... only, then the writer would get very confused with all of EMI's plot holes.


Confused nothing. Combine CMI and EMI (especially the "who pushed H.T. Marley into that whirlpool" thing) and try to figure that out, and their head'll explode.


I know. I tried to figure it out once. Silly me. :rolleyes:

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What are all of the plotholes from MI 3 & 4?


There are probably many, but I didn't notice any (besides how MI2 ended to where MI3 started)


I was just curious. Also, what is this grandpa marley thing?

(I haven't played the games for a while, so I am a bit rusty on the storylines)


I think it is about time to play through the entire series again, because being on these boards has renewed my love for the MI games (yes, even 3 & 4).

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It's 5am so I can't be arsed thinking much, but the main ones I remember are:


In EMI there's the "big revelation" that Herman Toothrot is actually HT Marley - Elaine's grandfather (or was it father?). He then proceeds to claim that he was pushed into a whirlpool by Ozzie while in a boating race, resulting in him becoming stranded on Monkey Island.


This conflicts with Monkey Island 3, there LeChuck claims at the end that he pushed HT Marley into the whirlpool, after torturing him.


It also conflicts with Monkey Island 1, where we see that Herman travelled to Monkey Island on the Sea Monkey (ship) with some other guy, only for the guy he sailed with to get himself killed on Monkey Island. Herman then sent the ship back to Melee Island with a crew of monkeys, saying that he didn't go himself because he didn't want to travel with a group of monkeys or something.


We also know that Herman and his friend got to Monkey Island by making that Voodoo recipe like Guybrush did.


So there's the plot hole. In Monkey Island 1 we see that Herman got there by making a Voodoo recipe and then becoming stranded there. This is all fine, no problems. CMI says that HT Marley was sent to Monkey Island via a whirlpool, still no problems. The problem is when EMI says they're both the same person.


Sorry if the above post is a bit messy, I'm knackered.

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