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SP or MP???


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You could put in 467 new game modes, most people are going to stick w/ the 1-2 they enjoy like duel, ctf etc.


Sp is ok but after the week or so I spend playing sp games... not much left to do really.


"Go back and complete the game 4 more times to unlock hidden player skins!" is about the only incentive to keep playing sp over and over in most games


And that does nothing for me. ^

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I get all of my games to play the SP part of the game, so that's the cake, and MP is just the icing. ;)


It does help if SP has a lot of replayability, of course, but I can't remember how many times I played through JK SP just for the hell of it. If the game's good enough, it's worth replaying at a later date. :)


With MP it's mostly been bot matches...but I've managed to find a few servers now and then that are not too laggy, so I've at least had a chance to play online. And it's one of only a few games that I've bothered trying to play online, which says a lot. :)

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i will be playing both games. sp and mp in jedi outcast and jedi academy.


you guys keep jedi outcast on your pc. jedi academy is only going to be 650 to 750 mb. so after playing jedi academy right to the end. play both games again so you will have a mega story line. along with some dark jedi fun in both games.

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When I first got JO, I played through the SP game first, then MP. That way, I knew where all of the default MP character models came from and their history, so it wasn't like "Who's this freaky lizard guy?;)" SP was also good practice for the intense saber fights (albeit they're a bit different) in MP. When I play JA, I'll probably play through SP a few times and get a feel for the double bladed and dual sabers. That way, I can pick my favorite saber in MP and start right in.

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I play SP pretty exclusively. I played dual some - and did okay - but waiting around for next dual is boring. I usually don't play the other MP games because I just can't stand to play with adolescents.


I really like some of the community made SP maps too and download most of them. Some I play fairly regularly.

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I say two new modes is better than nothing. When you think about it, that's really good. Not only do the two new modes seem really fun, but they could've kept the modes the same as in JO (I would still have a blast). Really though, how many other modes do you need? When you get to a certain number it starts to ruin things. Having players spread out over 10 different gametypes limits things. Then, the same thing that happened in JO, will happen again. No one really played Jedi Master or Capture the Yslmari (however you spell it). Even Team FFA's weren't that popular. All I really need is a nice Free for all and duel. That's really all I played, and maybe one game of CTF and a few of TFFA. There's no use adding new ones when the current ones are fine.

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I will play both, and making them similar from the start is a step in the right direction, but when all is said and done, MP will be where it's at.... endless variety and bots are usually more fun than AI anyway.


You'll play through SP twice (to get both endings) and maybe play around with cheats and replay a favorite mission or two if it's really good, but then all that will be left will be MP, which will most likely be more supported by editors than SP (especially if, as we've been lead to believe, no SP SDK will be released, just like it was not released for JK2).


I could be wrong, but that seems like pretty much a given...

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