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Battle Hack Introduction


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Easy Access to the Battle Hack Introduction.


This Manual Add-on was made by VeoMorphine.








Welcome to The RPG system. This system was designed in a way were users could have a lot of fun using it but also had to work to use it. This system offers a huge amount of things to do, from buying items to holding full scale battles for money. The rpg system is a growing system, meaning that there will always be new things added onto it.





Setting up Your Character




To participate in most of the activities that the rpg system offers you need to set up a character. Your character is basically you in this world, everything will be done through your character. There are 2 ways of setting up your character. One way is during registration. The other way is done through your profile.


We will only cover setting a character up through your profile.

1. Go to your User CP.

2. Click on Edit Profile.

3. Scroll down to the Additional Information Category.

4. You should see a few input fields and a chat box. Fill all of those out according to your preferences, check the checkmark and hit submit.


You're done, now you have your own character!


The Checkmark to update stats is a handy tool. If your stats ever don't look right, it might help to update your stats.


Even after you created your first character, you can go back and edit your character through the profile. You can change everything about him/her. Just make sure to click Update stats when you change something on your character.





Items and Money




Items play a huge role in this system. Not only can they make you stronger for battles but they can also prove that you own a guild or have a forum for an admin. You can buy items with money you earn by posting, battles or from forum staff. You also have the opportunity to buy your OWN item shop if you have enough money. The Item Shop is where you buy all these items.


Buying Items

1. Click on Item Shop

2. Use the Expand Links to see what each Catogory has in them.

3. If you can buy the item a link labled Purchase will appear below the item, Click that and you have your item!


Setting up your own Item Shop

1. Click on Item Shop

2. Click on Buy Personal Itemshop

3. Setup your Shop Details and Item Details. The shop comes with 10 Slots for Items.

4. Your Now Done.


There will be a 15% tax for each sale. Whenever you return to your itemshop you can see your shop details, modify them and add/edit new items. A link to your shop and it's description will be displayed at the bottom of the main itemshop page.









Battling is what make the RPG system a real RPG system. You can battle for money, experience or just to settle the score with someone who has been bothering you. The battle system is a pretty easy turn based battle system.

There are two ways to be in a battle.


If You Want to Challenge Another Person

1. Click on Battle Area

2. Click The "New Battle" button

3. Enter a name for the battle, the name of the member you wish to challenge, a password for the battle, and an amount to wager (optional).

4. Your friend will get a PM with the information, and can join the battle from there.


If You Are Challenged By Another Person

1. Check your PM inbox for a PM saying you got challenged and then click on it

2. In this PM there will be a link that leads to your battle and a Battle and Password to use on the battle screen.









- It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you use some form of instant messaging between yourself and your opponent when in battle. This can speed up the process drastically.









Q: How do I start a battle?

A: There are two ways to be in a battle. If you want to challenge another person, click Battle in the menu, then click the "New Battle" button. Enter a name for the battle, the name of the member you wish to challenge, a password for the battle, and an amount to wager (optional). Your friend will get a PM with the information, and can join the battle from there. On the other hand, if you are challenged by another person, check your PM inbox for your challenge and join the battle that way.


Q: OK, I'm in the battle. How do I fight?

A: If it is your turn, you will be given a few choices on what to do. General choices are to attack with your weapon, defend yourself, use an item, retreat, or request a draw. Select the option you want, then put a message to say in the box below (optional, but fun). Click Submit Action and sit back. Tell your opponent to refresh the page and it will be their turn to attack. Repeat the process until someone is defeated.


Q. Dangit!! That item I wanted sold out... HELP!!! Can you get me one?

A: Nope. The Item shop will refill every 2 days. Go back and check it out then.


Q: When I try to battle, it says that I need to update my stats in the User CP. What do I do?

A: Go to your User CP and click "Edit Profile". Change the options near the bottom that you were told you had to change at the RPG Control Panel. Check the "Update My Stats" box and submit.


Q: My stats are up to date, but when I try to battle, it still says that I'm ineligible for battle and that I need to update my stats. What's up with that?

A: Before you go into battle, the system checks for a few things. If you have no money, no HP (you are dead), are banned, or a few other reasons, then you will not be able to battle. Healing yourself or gaining some money should fix that problem.


Q: When I put a wager on my battle, it says that I don't have enough money to wager. What's wrong?

A: Well, it's most likely that you don't have the amount of money that you wagered. Check the amount you wagered and try again.


Q: I'm in battle, but my opponent won't attack and I can't leave battle. What should I do?

A: If you're in "Battle Limbo", you won't be able to battle another person, nor will you be able to buy items or gain money. Battles that remain inactive will be stopped in 48 hours from the time they are started, but you can also PM an administrator to end the battle.


Q: I'm dead! What do I do?

A: Heal yourself. Go to the healing center to heal yourself.


Q: Can I have my own shop?

A: Of course. Go to the Item Shop and click "Buy Personal Itemshop". You can set up a shop for a fee, and you can sell up to 10 items, each at any price you set. You'll earn any money a person spends at your shop, minus a 15% tax.


Q: Can you make me a god so I can kick everyone's butt?

A: Sure. I hope you have paypal :p


Q: What is the Bank?

A: The Bank is a place you can store your money and earn interest. Just click the bank in the Item Shop and deposit or withdrawal any amount you wish. The bank gives 10% interest per day, as long as you don't perform any transactions during that 24 hour period. A transaction resets the clock and you have to wait another 24 hours.


Taken from Battle Hack's Introduction..


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