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Xbox vs Pc?

Mr Wolf

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I have a PC and have been playing JK2 multiplayer since day 1.


I am looking forward to playing JK3 in multiplayer.


I have a friend with an Xbox who is thinking of getting JK3.


Will I be able to play with him in multiplayer games?



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I'm thinking not, because Xbox LIVE is only connected between xbox users. Also, the games mechanics would be different betwwen the PC and Xbox version, what with the control issuse and all. But I wish this were true because it would add alot of consumers to make the game more appriciated. Which I think JK/DF's games don't get enough of.

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plus the XBOX version is not update-compatible and the xbox version would conflict with the PC if per se, Raven released a patch or whatever for hte pc and plus with all the mods that will be made, there would be next to no chance for an XBOX user say to find a server running with the basic game, no mods or updates.

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It WOULD be possible to do, it all depends on if Microsoft and LA work out a deal (I'm skeptical).


For example, the Dreamcast did Quake3 (a very good port btw) in which you could play online against people using the PC version.


The thing was, PC users had to "downgrade" their patch to the version the DC was using and download the same mappack. And they could only have 4 players, but it definately worked.



So.... it would be possible, it all depends on them.


We don't know yet what corners the Xbox version will cut on their version of JA (other than lower res of course).



I don't have an Xbox, so correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Xbox have a hard drive? Isn't the whole point of having one so you can get updates?

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Thanks for the replies,


Sounds like it is unlikely that we will be able to play together. :(


I think that the contol issue is the most difficult to resolve.


I recall playing against someone in JK2 that looked like they were using a game pad controler. They were turning at a steady tho slow speed, I just kept jumping over them and hitting them from behind, as they couldn't turn fast enough.




I will just have to talk my friend into getting a new PC. :D



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We might be able to play together, think about it, how long is the X-Box and PC Version, split apart? 2 Months atleast! If Raven patch JA, which they will, I am sure it will be only once and about 2 weeks after JA is out, that gives VV plenty of time to add those features, also you forgot about X-Box downloadable material itself.

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For saber combat, a good gamepad user could probably handle himself okay, but with guns, the gamepad user is going to have lots of problems against a key+mouse user. He simply won't be able to keep up or be as accurate.


Now that said, isn't it possible to use keyboards+mice on the Xbox? It was on the PS2 through the USB connectors... I don't have an Xbox, but I swore I heard that somewhere.


Anybody confirm? Of course even then I guess JA would have to support it for it to be any use...



So.. sounds like both KOTOR PC and JA Xbox will be coming out in November.

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