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*~Help Buying Electric Guitar~*

Boba Rhett

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Just a few side notes,


I ended up getting a Fender 15R Amp. I'm trying to hook up a grounded outlet in my room so I can play my guitar in there but progress is slow. For now i'm stuck playing my guitar upstairs so I don't get terrible buzzing.


A friend of my brother in laws suggested playing four+ hours a day and said that my fingers would bleed but that's ok because they'll heal fast. ...I personally would rather learn a little slower and keep the blood. :D


I think the person who sold me my guitar may have been coming on to me. o_o But with him being a middle aged bald man and me prefering the company of people with breasts and no need of a sports cup, I wasn't overtly aware of this fact until far after the matter when I thought back and found all of his winking at me to be rather odd.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Just a few side notes,


I ended up getting a Fender 15R Amp. I'm trying to hook up a grounded outlet in my room so I can play my guitar in there but progress is slow. For now i'm stuck playing my guitar upstairs so I don't get terrible buzzing.


A friend of my brother in laws suggested playing four+ hours a day and said that my fingers would bleed but that's ok because they'll heal fast. ...I personally would rather learn a little slower and keep the blood. :D


I think the person who sold me my guitar may have been coming on to me. o_o But with him being a middle aged bald man and me prefering the company of people with breasts and no need of a sports cup, I wasn't overtly aware of this fact until far after the matter when I thought back and found all of his winking at me to be rather odd.


Glad you finally got it. After about two solid hours your fingers bleed. But they calice fast and the make your fingers rougher :). Also did you get the books I suggested in Kansas CIty. If you want, I could be like a guidance guy. And give some stuff every week :). I have some good beginner music that would improve your skills :)

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I've never been sure that practicing more than 2 or 3 hours a day is all that much better for you. (The law of diminshing returns... 2 well-planned solid hours of practice are much better than 5 hours of aimless noodling.) It also does increase the chance or a repetitve motion injury, like carpel-tunnel syndrome, which, trust me, you don't want. I've seen guys do that to themselves, and it's no fun.

Take it slow at first. Always do a few warm-up excercises before trying to play anything. The second you get the slightest bit uncomfortable: STOP! Take a break for a minute or 2 every 20 minutes.

Concentrate on playing clean and accurately, and in time. Use a metronome.

Calluses will build up in time. As you build finger strength and calluses, switch to a thicker string gauge.


Most of all: HAVE FUN! If it starts to seem like work or a chore, you're doing something wrong! Step away from it for a day or 2 in that case and come back to it when you can't stand being away from it anymore.


EDIT: I just got a digital camera, and maybe I'll post a few pics of my guitars when I get a chance. Until then, here's one that looks just like my #1 axe:



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Intermediate electric guitar player here.


The most important rule with playing the guitar is to FEEL THE MUSIC. Don't practice for 2 or 3 hours a day just 'cause someone told you to. Pick up the guitar whenever you want, play for as long as you want, shut your eyes and feel the music. Go at your own pace, and enjoy it. Do what you want! That is the making of a good guitar player...


Also, don't take the piss out of the banjo - listen to Béla Fleck, then I dare you to take the piss out of the instrument. In fact, the banjo is the next instrument I am planning on taking up ;)

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