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3 questions


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Hi everyone :)

3 questions about JA in SP, I hope someone can answer. Otherwise the demo probably will :)


1) Do the bodies of dead enemies dissapear as in JO, or do they stay? It can't be an engine issue, since they stay in RtCW. And the cordinates of a bodymesh doesn't take much memory either. Since it's dead, no AI calculations have to be made and so on.


2) Do the sabermarks on the wall/floor to last longer than in JO? Shouldn't be that hard either. Just assign more memory to the decal buffer or something like that. Or a scaleable/automatic buffersize so people can choose depending on their system.


3) In JK it's possible to use the saber as a "flare". It lights up the surrounding. Very cool. So one can see fairly good when one is in a very dark place. However, in JO this isn't possible. How will it be in JA?


Oh, and if any of you know of a mod, settings or something that changes this for JO, please tell me :)

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Originally posted by Kazutoyo

Hi everyone :)

1) Do the bodies of dead enemies dissapear as in JO, or do they stay? It can't be an engine issue, since they stay in RtCW. And the cordinates of a bodymesh doesn't take much memory either. Since it's dead, no AI calculations have to be made and so on.




2) Do the sabermarks on the wall/floor to last longer than in JO? Shouldn't be that hard either. Just assign more memory to the decal buffer or something like that. Or a scaleable/automatic buffersize so people can choose depending on their system.




3) In JK it's possible to use the saber as a "flare". It lights up the surrounding. Very cool. So one can see fairly good when one is in a very dark place. However, in JO this isn't possible. How will it be in JA?


This is due to limitations of the engine. However, in all of the trailers I've seen so far, the lightsaber definitely casts a stronger light on the surroundings, albeit constrained to a small radius, than JO did Whether or not it actually lights the surroundings in pitch black areas, is unknown. The saber in JO had no effect in very dark areas at all.


It's a shame they didn't contact the guy who has been developing Tenebrae, because then all of the lighting would be more dynamic, and shadows would shift around according to the direction of the light source.

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Originally posted by Kazutoyo

1) Do the bodies of dead enemies dissapear as in JO, or do they stay? It can't be an engine issue, since they stay in RtCW. And the cordinates of a bodymesh doesn't take much memory either. Since it's dead, no AI calculations have to be made and so on.


2) Do the sabermarks on the wall/floor to last longer than in JO? Shouldn't be that hard either. Just assign more memory to the decal buffer or something like that. Or a scaleable/automatic buffersize so people can choose depending on their system.


These effects are really shared among all Q3 games - bodies in RtCW don't last forever, but I think that how long they last is selectable (or is that MoHAA ... or SoFII). All of the games have bodies that disappear. I would like to have it as a selectable option, however.


Same goes for the saber marks - check bulletmarks in any of the above mentioned games. In areas where you have to double back (or can choose to if doors haven't suddenly become unopenable as they always seem to :rolleyes: ), you will usually find the area empty of enemies and marks, but with the guns left behind.


The saber-glow is something I hope they are able to make more useful again. I don't expect it to light the roon, in fact JK's was probably *too* bright, but enough that you can see some things in the dark would be nice.



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1) Do the bodies of dead enemies dissapear as in JO, or do they stay? It can't be an engine issue, since they stay in RtCW. And the cordinates of a bodymesh doesn't take much memory either. Since it's dead, no AI calculations have to be made and so on.

It's not an engine issue at all, it's strictly a performance one. It's not that big a deal anymore, so I personally think they should change it.


2) Do the sabermarks on the wall/floor to last longer than in JO? Shouldn't be that hard either. Just assign more memory to the decal buffer or something like that. Or a scaleable/automatic buffersize so people can choose depending on their system.

It's not that at all. It's just a peformance thing. Like how bullet holes fade away in other games. It's all in the EFX file, in about ten minutes you could have modified every blaster mark and saber mark to last as long as you want.


3) In JK it's possible to use the saber as a "flare". It lights up the surrounding. Very cool. So one can see fairly good when one is in a very dark place. However, in JO this isn't possible. How will it be in JA?

Yes, someone linked me to a cool screenshot a while ago, you can see it YOINKED for linking to illegal beta info.

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I must admit I'm somewhat confused. I have no problem with moderators cracking down on illegal material, but... I see links and shots posted so often of websites that are unofficially previewing or reviewing the game. Yes, some could be legitimite, but the amount we've seen since the leak has been staggering. The majority that are posted are probably illegal, so why isn't anything done about that?


And why does txa1265 have that shot as his avatar now??

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Originally posted by Emon

And why does txa1265 have that shot as his avatar now??

Oops ... I don't ever look. I did it as soon as you posted it ... but thought it didn't take with all the forum problems ... I'll make it go away now [kicks self in head]


Thanks for pointing it out Emon!




[edit: ahhh ... back to good ol' Obi again]

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Emon, we yoink 'em as we see 'em. If you see others we've missed, PM the links and threads they are posted in to Andy876 or myself.


I hoped that would be it. I was afraid of staff with doublestandards, I see it on some other places I frequently visit, and I hate it.


master_thomas, you might be able to tweak it a bit, but it's never any real light. And it's just plain ugly, the blocky edges, and the fact that it's a cylinder.

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I hoped that would be it. I was afraid of staff with doublestandards, I see it on some other places I frequently visit, and I hate it.


As long as you pay me my weekly bribe on time, I'll treat you like one of the family.



OOPS! Wasn't supposed to say that... !



j/k ; )


We try to be fair.

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Actually, the guys on Tenebrae don't know anything Raven doesn't. Stencil shadows seen in Tenebrae, Doom III, Deus Ex: Invisible War/Thief III are more common than you think, and are actually quite easy to do. The trouble is that it would mean rewriting most of the rendering engine, and it's not very practical for JA. ydnar's Q3Map2 compiler is already a graphical overhaul, not much more is needed.


They could have added stencil shadows for dynamic lights only, but that would look extremely out of place and ugly. They could have done dynamic lightmaps, but again, not worth it.

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