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New IGN Videos (*spoilers within*)

[My Name Here]

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13 new videos in the media page, brand new stuff too, speeder fights, AT-ST piloting, chicking someone and throwing them into a cieling or another trooper. truly awesome stuff! Enjoy: http://mediaviewer.ign.com/ignMediaPage.jsp?channel_id=59&object_id=498701&adtag=network=ign&site=pchub&pagetype=medialist&page_title=Star+Wars+Jedi+Knight%3A+Jedi+Academy

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Awesome videos! The graphics were absolutely sweet! I can't wait to see how it on a full screen monitor! MUCH better than JO. The lightsabers in particular look amazing. The guy playing sucked though. :D I swear, I wanted to yell, "What the hell are you running away for! Get in there and FENCE with him! Not run away, spam push and choke and stab them when they're down! Any ***** can do that!" :D


Mid september can't come soon enough. :cool:


Oh and guys, the AT-ST is back and better than ever for those that were worried. Along with a new and improved E-web (stationary gun for you non SW types). The gun has an awesome new recoil and just SPRAYS blaster rounds everywhere!

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Spoilers? Not really. All you see are locations, and many, many people being killed. Oh and your character talks!


Exactly. If these aren't spoilers, then what are?


It reminds me of those videos that "Eddie Van Kenobi" (in da hooooooooouse!!!) and his buddy showed off of for that German tv show for Jedi Outcast.


Though I was very curious, I put off watching them until I had the game, because I'd rather not watch people playing through the levels and watching cutscenes, etc. That's totally different than the quick little clips we see in trailers or E3 vids. I'd rather have the thrill of discovery.


That's not say you can't view them, I just choose not to. There's a certain line and this would be crossing it for me. ; P

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Originally posted by [My Name Here]

13 new videos in the media page, brand new stuff too, speeder fights, AT-ST piloting, chicking someone and throwing them into a cieling or another trooper. truly awesome stuff! Enjoy: http://mediaviewer.ign.com/ignMediaPage.jsp?channel_id=59&object_id=498701&adtag=network=ign&site=pchub&pagetype=medialist&page_title=Star+Wars+Jedi+Knight%3A+Jedi+Academy

Thanks for the pointer ... fortunately I've a couple of hours before I get to work to ponder whether or not to look ...


And I'm glad to hear how excellent the graphics look! But I already had that feeling from the shots.



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Originally posted by SettingShadow

What's up with this?


Every time I try to watch a video from that site it just shows some silly WindowsXP commercial. :mad:

Patience young Padawan ... you must pass through the ads to get to the video ... ;)


I just downloaded them all but didn't really watch them - still haven't decided :) One thing I did see, though:


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Graphics look delicious ...



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I think the guns fire faster and look far more nicer and realistic.


Not sure if this qualifys as a spoiler, but just in case



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Oh and another, not really a big spoiler.



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Originally posted by PrimoSidone

i cant watch it

If you - like me - have the new Google toolbar with popup-blocking, then remember tto ctrl-click to watch. The videos whould be stored in your cache - but apparently only if you stay on the page that launches the stream until both the ad and main video play.



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Originally posted by SettingShadow

I click on the link to the video I want to watch, and all I get is a "Now everyone can be a DJ, with windows media player and WindowsXP" video. I'm sure that's intresting and all, but that's not what I wanted to see. :|


It ALWAYS plays the commercial first, THEN the actual video.


Originally posted by PrimoSidone



i get this

That is what I see if I have popups blocked - the page needs to spawn a new window to play the video.



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Originally posted by txa1265

It ALWAYS plays the commercial first, THEN the actual video.


I guess it's this damn computer then, when the commercial is over it gets and error that it couldn't open something... guess this comp is too old... curse it, why did my good comp crash today.....................

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