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Gender-specific dialogue ingame?


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We know that in JA your player-character has spoken dialogue. They probably just repeat the same lines, but have a female voice actor read 'em if your character is female.


But will this affect NPCs in any way? In JK2 when you fought stormtroopers as Kyle, sometimes they would say "Get behind him!" If you're playing as a female do you think they'll say "Get behind her!" or maybe make a unique new line like "Blast her!" or something? Or would they still say "Get behind him!" no matter who you were playing?


Tell me what you think.:)

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That's a good question. In MotS, the Stormtroopers would say he or she depending on if you are playing as Kyle or Mara. I would like to know if there are different voices for the different species. A Rodian would definantly sound different that a Human.

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Well that would make sense. And just use the male voice put through some distortion for the Kel Dor.


But what about the Rodian male?


I guess a Rodian could speak Basic with a "human accent" (for lack of a better term... I would say Coruscant accent, but the people from there tend to sound British).

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Originally posted by Jedith

The male gender jedis have a generic male voice. The female as well, have their own generic female voice.


How are you so sure that they are just using generic male and female voices. I mean, obviously a male Kel'dor will sound different from a human male? Wouldnt Raven have thought of using some sort of scramble or voice altering software for each species?

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Originally posted by Kurgan

But what about the Rodian male?


I guess a Rodian could speak Basic with a "human accent" (for lack of a better term... I would say Coruscant accent, but the people from there tend to sound British).





Really? Can't say I'd noticed. O.o


Anyway, I would prefer hearing the Rodian speak rodian, and just have some subtitles underneath to translate it. That would make it feel even more 'Star Wars' IMHO... I certainly hope to see that sort of thing in cut scenes (if need be).

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(In Rodian native tongue)

(Going somewhere Solo?)


That kind of thing, course, it wouldn't be hard I would think for a modder to set up some kind of language like Klingon or Atlantean and use that as a language thats universal. I mean, most people seem to understand what Chewbacca says, even though there is no subtitles for him. I wouldn't say do that that for a Rodian, but perhaps for a Kel'Dor in their own sort of way but with subtitles obviously. but since Zabraks apparently from the movies are able to talk in an english tone, there is no need for change for them.

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This is the kind of dialogue that would be nice.. They talk in their normal native tongue, or one they are familiar with, and then push english subtitles in.


GREEDO: Oota-goota, Solo? [Going somewhere, Solo?]


GREEDO: Soam peeta-lay, ee mail-ai tran tee-tachk-me gee-ghkeet'na.

Jabba wa-neen-chi chko-ka a noo-ee shah-nee trai-tran-a-ee wan-ya rooska. Hehe. Chaski nya wich-yootzoo. [it's too late. You should have paid him when you had the chance. Jabba's put a price on your head, so large that every bounty hunter in the galaxy will be looking for you. Hehe. I'm lucky I found you first.]


GREEDO: El chai-ya chkoolka in-tai cool-a-coo-soo-a. [if you give it to me, I might forget I found you.]


GREEDO: Tsee-na hai chee-kee! So chkool rool ya pool ya-ya ool-ra si pachki chka coo-shoo-koo poo-yoo-wa twee-pee. [Jabba's through with you. He has no use for smugglers who drop their shipments at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser.]


GREEDO: Ktra! Jabba poo pa coom-pak ni achkat an-pa! [You can tell that to Jabba. He may only take your ship.]


GREEDO: Oochlay yoo-ma... Chess bookoo-too ta chkeest-a chkren-ko, ya ol-chka. [That's the idea. I've been looking forward to this for a long time.]

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Originally posted by Drivian Taluus

I remember a few times in MOTS when the Stormies would say "Blast him!" to Mara. I don't blame 'em though, they can't see anything.


Yea, or they thought Mara was actinglike more of a man then what they consider a woman;)


But then again, you are right. Luke had trouble seeing out of "his" stormtrooper helmet..


"LUKE: I can't see a thing in this helmet."

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Originally posted by Andy867

GREEDO: Soam peeta-lay, ee mail-ai tran tee-tachk-me gee-ghkeet'na. Jabba wa-neen-chi chko-ka a noo-ee shah-nee trai-tran-a-ee wan-ya rooska.

:lol: LOL! I was reading this fast and thought that this is what Greedo was saying: "Some pretty lady e-mailed me on the train and telephoned me. Jabba wants a chick and none shall trade, really risky."


No offense to anyone. It's just I was skimming through. I had to read it twice to understand it. :D

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