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Saber dismemberment?


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OK, maybe Im a big of a sicko of something, but in Outcast's single player I would always use the g_saberrealisticcombat 1 code and cut op the bad guys. Now Ive seen a few videos and I think Ive seen heads come off, but Im not sure due to video quality (I dont know why I expect so much of IGN!). Basically will the game feature dismemberment as standard (in Outcast you cut off the occasional hand without the cheat), or will there be code, or neither.


Its just that Im used to it, plus are we to believe we can swing a concentrated laserbeam through someone and not cut bis off of them?

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i could only personally use g_saberrealisticcombat 1 for only maybe 3 stages. it kinda got dull in the end and i actually just missed slicing a guy and seeing him drop to the ground in one piece.


i don't know how many people noticed this, but that cheat also increased the sabers power so it was basically a one hit kill. this made saber fights extremely newbyishly easy on JM... another reason why it sucked


i don't think we need huge amounts of dismemberment as imho it kinda makes battling seem "un-jedi like", as a jedi only cuts down his foe so that he can pass him, if he can no other way. not try and slice both his legs of for the fun of it lol


thats all ;)

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Originally posted by Rockstar

i don't know how many people noticed this, but that cheat also increased the sabers power so it was basically a one hit kill. this made saber fights extremely newbyishly easy on JM... another reason why it sucked

I remember when we first discussed that code here, and I tried it out ... I was on Cairn Assembly on my 2nd or 3rd playthrough, and turned it on ... what a mess of body parts - but it was woefully easy, so I only had it on for about 30 seconds ...


If they could make it a menu option ... vary levels, even with a parental lock, and thereby keep control of the damage scaling, that would be much better.


...don't expect to see that, though ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

If they could make it a menu option ... vary levels, even with a parental lock, and thereby keep control of the damage scaling, that would be much better.

IIRC, there is a menu option for dismemberment, but it never seemed to work properly for me.
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Originally posted by Prime

IIRC, there is a menu option for dismemberment, but it never seemed to work properly for me.

It seemed more binary:

(ON) occasionally based on a system I'll not tell you about

(OFF) Off.


I didn't mind the (on) option as I saw plenty of limbs o'flyin', but I'd prefer something a bit more deterministic ...



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Yes, in JO you had to go into the menu and 'enable' dismemberment, which then allowed you to see hands and arms being cut off. Raven have already said that by default JA will have similar dismemberment to that shown in the movies (i.e., arms and hands again - but I doubt head-lopping will be a default setting), so I expect similar codes to vary saber damage and the amount of body parts flying around.

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Now that I think of it, prehaps Tavion and Desaan did seem easier with the dismemberment cheet on, though it still took more than one unblocked swing to kill them. I think that dismemberment should not increase saber power, just cuts bits of with the killing blow.


All the same, one of the most satisfying moments i had on single player Outcast was the secound time fighting Dessan (I had already beaten him, bearly, without the cheat) with blue stance, and with one smooth move the game went into bullet time (I forget if that was a seperate cheat) and I took of Desaan's saberhand, span right around and cut off his head. He then feel backwards into the pit and made a nice 'woompth' when he hit the floor.

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The first time I beat Desaan was a pain... but I finally succeed... then I wanted to do that again... accidentally I was one of the many surprised when the collumn broke and fell on him... Well they say the second time around it get's easier.. I just didn't know it was that easy...and.. un intentionally easy ;P


As for saber dismemberment... try putting the cvar in 3 i think.. then do a saber throw at a stormy for instance... They look like the crash dummies.

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Well see there was the regular dismemberment options and then there was "saberrealisticcombat" which made idle sabers damage (normally they don't) in SP and also greatly increased the saber damage.


Compare them... with saberrealisticcombat you can just wander into a Stormtrooper with your blade extended (don't even swing) and they literally fall apart.

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Well, things SHOULD be easy. After all, a Jedi with his lightsaber and the Force as is ally, is like the most deadly weapon in the Star Wars galaxy. Of course you should be hacking up the opposition like butter.

When fighting enemies with blasters, the trick is to generally fight a whole bunch of enemies so you have to use the Force and stay on the move to avoid getting hit.

And when in a lightsaber duel, the trick is not to have your opponent eat ten slashes before dying, but to have fluid strokes and blocks (like in the KOTOR trailers) and if the blade gets through even once, the victim is severely wounded if not dead, depending on where he is hit. :)

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Originally posted by Rassick

Well, things SHOULD be easy. After all, a Jedi with his lightsaber and the Force as is ally, is like the most deadly weapon in the Star Wars galaxy. Of course you should be hacking up the opposition like butter.

When fighting enemies with blasters, the trick is to generally fight a whole bunch of enemies so you have to use the Force and stay on the move to avoid getting hit.

And when in a lightsaber duel, the trick is not to have your opponent eat ten slashes before dying, but to have fluid strokes and blocks (like in the KOTOR trailers) and if the blade gets through even once, the victim is severely wounded if not dead, depending on where he is hit. :)


While I agree with you, this game isn't supposed to be 'realistic' (in the loosest sense of the word considering we're discussing fictional weapons etc.), but relatively easy to play and fun to boot. If you could kill non-Force enemies really easily, that's not much of a challenge. By the same token, if you're in a saber duel with a Dark Jedi and spend 15 minutes swinging your saber around but not hitting him because of improved blocking ability, that's not much fun either. And it wouldn't be much fun if the 'one-hit-kill' rule was applied to you as the gamer, IMHO. I wouldn't want to have to reload every five minutes because I made one 'mistake'. They just have to try and find the right balance between making the game challenging and making it accessible and easy to complete for the majority of gamers.


I'll play through with the default options the first time...and once I've finished SP, I'll go back and hopefully be able to turn on more 'reaslitic' saber damage to have a play around. ;)

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