Let's read On Stranger Tides together, new chapter every week!
* New chapters unlock Thursdays
* Treat later chapters as spoilers, in case you already know the book
* Reading is not mandatory to participate in the discussion, as long as it's on topic
Everone who joins late can just catch up to the current chapter.
Prologue and first chapter are unlocked Thursday, Feb. 2.
Original Post:
Mojole recently featured On Stranger Tides, a book that notably influenced Monkey Island.
Many here may have read it, some may never have but were interested. I'm in the camp of those who have read it a long time ago and forgot a lot of it again.
I thought it might be fun to have some sort of a book club where a few of us come together and enjoy the book chapter by chapter, as if it were an episodic series.
For example: every week a new chapter is "unlocked", we can discuss, speculate, draw parallels to MI and try to treat the rest of the book as spoilers within the thread.
Basically a new regular activity besides the great Mojole with as little commitment as reading one chapter of a good book per week
Would anybody be interested at all, or in a similar concept with another book or game?