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Status Updates posted by Totenkopf

  1. Check the rules or maybe ask D333 or Jae, etc...in a pm. However, since it's an edited version of someone else's smilie, you might be required to get some kind of permission or they might not be interested. No harm in trying. though.

  2. check your reg mail.

  3. Clean out your mail. Yeah, the biodiversity thread. "Shuttle Atlantis" was apparently the new name. Unfortunately for her, it seems, her MO didn't change (false "statistics", divisiveness, etc.....). I noticed it after reading one or two posts in that thread.... Anyway, welcome back. :)

  4. clean out your mssg box.

  5. Clean out your PM section ya big dummy.....

  6. cool pic in Capt America thread. :thmbup1:

  7. Cool sig pic. Calvin and Hobbes. 'nough said.

  8. Cool. Just got new patch and then it said something about having to repair 4 dmg files. Looked like it might take awhile, but good to go now. Started out Jedi Prisoner (Taral V) FP w/LDR, he seemed to be having trouble and I ended up just getting past bridge by sneaking and got killed by Imps on other side. So, next time I see you on, may hit you up about FPs. Haven't done too many, but reward exp and social points works for me too. Not so worried about kills on the way. I did say I was focusing on story, so..... The Cad FP seemed like nothing more than pointless brawling on the way to nowhere. Hate it when group members run off with "gold/glory fever"....

  9. Could be. I never really messed with the modding stuff that required GIMP or photoshop, etc... beyond basic recoloring.

  10. Could you flip over to TOR server and help me take out Skavak on derelict vessel before server goes down.

  11. Couldn't put a name to that mug till I saw your sig.....then it clicked.

  12. Crossing the pond, eh? "Biz" or pleasure?

  13. Damn, those things took forever to upload. If they go through, they're mp3s and playback shouldn't be an issue. In case there's a problem, did find a youtube link to the bonus track:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JjVg0Sbsh4&feature=related

  14. Damn....thought I was typing for the "view conv" option..... :giveup::p I'd have to look at my Guardian again, but synthweaving is prob <100 as I focused most of my efforts on things like armors, mods, earpieces, augments and aug kits. You actually can have 3 gathering skills at same time, you're not required to pick a crafting option (have several toons set up like that), but wouldn't necessarily reccomend it if you don't want to be completely at mercy of GTN. Still, crafters kind of get shafted and most people I've heard seem to agree that cyber and bio are best for making any $$.

  15. Dante's Inferno? Worried about which ring of hell you'll be consigned to in the afterlife. :p

  16. Decent topic w/a good chance of falling into a flamefest at some point. :p

  17. Did notice that, after checking an older save, the changes start right around the the run for the beam in London. I had a current game that I'd stopped right before Cronos. Between the two, I didn't notice any changes till the very end in London. So, I'm happy that I don't have to go back to Cronos to see how my other saves play out the endgame. If Bioware had done this initially, there might not have been as much pointless raging. Did see a vid on YT that alluded to a slightly longer final convo w/Anderson that was cut. Pity they didn't restore it. As to patch issue....could have just done it over 2 patches or compressed it more I suppose. C'est la vie.

  18. Did you have any door issues while playing ME2? Can't get passed door to Veetor and facility door before Miranda took time. Maybe I'm missing some kind of trigger......

  19. Didn't realize you had a pic in your post untill I signed in and saw that ME3 thread later. Liked it. 25 paragon points for defending her honor......or you could just settle for the obligatory cookie. :xp:

  20. Didn't realize you were changing it like clockwork. I usually just change mine on a whim, not a timetable. Go for something new if you are going to change it. What? You'll figure it out. Maybe one of your anime "obsessions". ;)

  21. Do you recall which was easier: Nar Shaada or Balmorra?

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