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Status Updates posted by Totenkopf

  1. Going back in to game shortly. Made it to that datacron that requires a code slot key on NS (the one you get at incinerator) and even made it to that thing w/only a few attempts, only to discover key had been put in ship's locker when I was moving items around last time. Didn't get so much mad, as disappointted w/myself.. Maybe b/c I thought I'd accidentally sold it. Guess I'll go back for it later. Only supposed to be a yellow shard ayway, iirc.

  2. Gonna have to stay away from that Revan thread till I read the book. Maybe you should think about getting it online yourself, if you can. I think it's a little cheaper that way.

  3. gonna log....it's ~3:30 AM here. catch up with ya later.

  4. Good thing my cast iron grip keeps the beer in my hand, unbroken and still full even. Man you're old, Red.

  5. Good thing that doesn't require much of an imagination. :xp:

  6. Good thing your monkeys are now on my payroll. Now, I just need to find them a target....Hmm, grave robbing, maybe? :dev9:

  7. Good to know, b/c I can replay that section accordingly now. It's just a few saves back from the Reaper fight. thanks.

  8. Good to know, b/c I can replay that section accordingly now. It's just a few saves back from the Reaper fight. thanks.

  9. Good to know. I'll try to figure out how to set that up then. Plans for today got deep-sixed by family matters. PC also had a freezing up issue (should be remedied in next few days...replacing board, chip and memory). Working on Harbinger toons. Smuggler first and then maybe the merc (both on NS). Thanks.

  10. Good to know. What's the matter with the current server?

  11. Got my merc up to about 34.5 this weekend. Getting there, but oh, so slowly.

  12. Got synthesis option (haven't watched it yet), but Shep still still dies in other 2. Only Ash and Vega exit the Normandy after Jeff. Guess I'll have to find out how to keep Shep alive thru Kill/Control options. It's funny how rattled people are getting over the end. I gauge it as not great, could've been better. Also, kind of wonder how the ME3 plays out w/o Tali and Garrus being imported over....

  13. got UT mission from your pal, he seemed to think you might have given me incorrect spelling of his name. :p

  14. Grab our two female companions and leave you asleep on the floor where you passed out. Oh, and I leave your goat with you :eyeraise: b/c no one should have to die alone... :xp:

  15. Had an odd occurrence. Tali showed up in the romance scene in Shep's cabin before Cronus despite having died. I guess if you're not romancing Ash, it's like Zaeed/Kasumi dlg for most part. Back on Earth, so now to see which ending I get.

  16. Had to do a bit of a 2x take before figuring out it's likely JD. the tag line under your name kind of made that seem clear.

  17. Happy Bday, Alk.

  18. Happy Bday, Jae. Make 'em treat you to something nice.

  19. Happy Bday, old man. :guiness:

  20. Happy Bday, you old codger.

  21. Happy Bday. Try to enjoy it.

  22. Happy Bday....now go mod something. :p

  23. Happy Birthday, old man.

  24. Have found infiltrator to be pretty good.......esp w/re: to Tuchunka Reaper.

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