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Bee Hoon

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Status Updates posted by Bee Hoon

  1. Post it, Darathy! Post eeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

  2. Astor, that was terribly punny! ;P Yep, my clinical years will be in Sydney, but alas, my sister's place is pretty far from the uni, so it's an hour long commute each way D:

  3. But I need to edit my fic! Mooo and mooooooooooooooo.

  4. Well, I see it's finally over! Go see Skype transcripts on why I hate you >:[ On another note, the talkative wizard summoned a fire elemental and it sat through the endgame sequence of ADwR. I lol'ed!

  5. Bunnies anonymous? Do explain!

  6. Quite good, thank you! Looking forward to the move to Sydney--coming soon to a Bee Hoon near you:p Yourself?

  7. I have utmost faith in you, Darathy :) THere seems to be quite a few entries already, and hopefully more to come!

  8. :lol: You might appreciate exercising in cool weather better once you've tried it here, although the jungle is much cooler than the cities (duh at me for even mentioning that!). Mt. Kinabalu can be done in a couple of days, and the summit is subzero iirc. Food--I hope you like spicy food! Spicy and sour=Nyonya food=my favourite food evar. Some foreigners have told me that they find Malaysian food overwhelming though.


    Ooh, lovely! Shoot some awesome artsy films<3 And when I'm feeling ugly, I can run to you and force you to reassure me that all the actresses' and models' pictures are touched up ;D

  9. Bobicus! <3 How are you? We have not spoken in too long! I will be moving to Sydney in a couple of weeks, eek!

  10. It SAYS I'm online but it won't deliver my messages. GO DIE IN A FIRE, TMNET. BROADBAND? MY FOOT!!!

  11. :lol: That bad? Strange in what way, pray tell? Apart from your fondness for ice thus indirectly a fondness for concussions, I can't really discern any eccentricities!
  12. Care to explain what chicken adobo and sinigang na baboy are? :p Hee well, at least Mediterranean food is healthy! Yeah, I guess, but we're not too hot on using pesticides too much. We've been lucky so far though, and in any case, dengue isn't fatal if caught early and monitored.

  13. My connection is so fail. Trying to get on Skype.

  14. Jeffu!<3 It was fun in a torturous sort of way:p Met some weird patients and cringed when the doctor asked a patient's wife to come and watch her husband "perform" >_<

  15. Sabre dear you have no idea how glad I am to not be in this picture

  16. DI, I forgot to tell you that the topic is up! D: It's "the essence of the Dark Side", and I do hope that you will participate! <3

  17. :( indeed. Ttyl! Good night and study hard!


    I have a ton of things to do tomorrow :( All this getting documents and going for checkups and stuff. Bleh! Plus I don't think I have sufficient proof of vaccinations so migth have to do them all again! CRYYYYYY.

  19. Hee, what kinda food do you eat? I've had balut (spelling?) before and I have to admit that I felt bad eating it :X Yeah, mosquitoes were bad... My dad had more than fifty bites on ONE ARM. Plus with the rise in dengue cases, it's definitely a lil worrying.

  20. Know that I must muster the discipline to sit down and think it through and stop getting distracted by fluffy NWN2 plot bunnies. Even if they're cute >:[


    How have you been, DI? <3

  21. Skaipu? Wut iz farnee thar?

  22. I should hope that my memory isn't THAT bad :lol:

  23. I cannot comply! I have not read up on what I was supposed to yet:P Sorry bro :(

  24. :lol: Indeed! If you're the outdoorsy sort, you'd like the National Park and Mount Kinabalu. Aforementioned mountain is very pretty, although I have not climbed it yet :( The main thing to note about Malaysians is our passion for food :p


    Have you decided what you wanna study?:)

  25. Know that you speak the truth! DI, I have a nice fic idea (albeit overly emo and angst) but I'm too lazy to get my in progress fic from where it is to the point where I can start writing that. Hrm.

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