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Darth Avlectus

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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Looks like that guy with a chip on his shoulder from the senate decided to drop you a line in KC. :dozey: I can't wait until he begins on his intentional mis-characterizations again.

  2. You're welcome. Anytime.


    Nice to meet someone enthusiastic about modifying their machines and whatnot, BTW.

  3. Check out Wally's thread on the new photoshop CS5 up in the swamp--we have broken a new boundary and digital editing wil NEVER be the same. :devsmoke:

  4. I've looked in his stats...whatever it was must now be either deleted or simply in confidence.

  5. WHAT THE ****?! Our pal evil Q has been temp banned again?!

  6. <sigh> Looks like 1/6th of our economy is soon to be a partition of our government. The vie for power at a painfully slow and obvious pace continues. And our dear friend is veering ever farther left.

  7. Shu'up foo. You're an angel with a

  8. Wouldn't surprise me that they planted a saboteur, and used it to make this report that throws the hate/race-card again.


    Ah, the first "relevant" link after the end of the story is to just that--the race card.


    Frank is using every angle of the filth cloth to rub the camera lens and in turn the rile censorist types to come out to his aid. The only 'rancor' I see is his fat slobbering money grubbing form waddling about.


    This was all about smearing tea-party protesters in an attempt to either discredit them or to get their leader to back off some. Funny how the media is butthurt and specific about it when a "plant" is in a democratic party gathering and sabotaging their image. Right down to the individuals.


    McClatchy eh? I'll keep an eye on this one.

  9. That's a leech, homes. It was on jackass the movie 2.

  10. Quantum Theory. AND?! (include word again or relevant term or butthead will have to smack you around)

  11. Curious: How did you get a scrolling user title? Is it something ehh, proprietary?

  12. Oct 27th, 1996.



    And on the 2nd this month his wife, Kay just passed away.

  13. 'Sright. Good ol uncle Morey.

  14. Starship cobras the inspiration for your custom user title? I like those guys.

  15. Aye. Thy little green fella be throwin' them dead varmint at ye?

  16. I wonder, would you care to interject in this pseudo-swamp-like thread? :lol:



  17. That test thing showed what it say I am. :dev9:

  18. Just curious: What's your av from?

  19. RHETT! I just spent $250 I didn't have on electronic components at Fry's! Console me. :lol:

  20. Oh just busy. Thought I'd flashie my new av for this month.


    I'm actually headed to San Diego tomorrow since it's my week off.

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