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Darth Avlectus

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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. No I just decided since it's around the 11th...why not? Though, yes, I do have Naruto Shippudden Ultimate Ninja 4. I


    t seems uncanny how like Shikamaru I am IRL, and how I end up with girls having the same personality type as Temari.

  2. Funny, I noticed the same thing. Sort of.

  3. Tell ya what, our differences haven't been enough to make us go at one anothers' throats in Kavar's or otherwise (not a fan of politics eh? Me neither--no more than I have to)...


    Welcome to the club--just remember I'm an ignorant yank. :p

  4. You're an Iron Maiden fan too? Yeeeas!

  5. Man...I never knew DI was so passionate...Strangely and suddenly that Az'gath N'dul mod makes a whole lot of sense coming from him...


    I'd tell him how awesome that is but I don't think he'd appreciate it coming from a yank. :lol:

  6. Is that a whipping sound I hear?!

  7. DUDE! YOUTUBE GMOD idiot box! Pronto--this is hillarious! You might very well download the vids at the links he provided in his descriptions. Some nice vids to kill time with while on a plane and ou have your MP4 video player or something.

  8. Please tell me the Welsh don't like their roasts as well done as the English. :xp:

  9. Well, be thankful you weren't waiting on either a plasma globe or a gas laser. --That's where the OOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSSS pronunciation got its popularity. But um, yeah.


    Apparently my other pal was waiting for the same thing as you.

  10. UPS is located where the big brown trucks are. :xp:

  11. What is that av? Lokks kind of like Biff from back to the future. :kamina:

  12. That it would, but you might get really bored. :)


    Besides, who's gonna lighten the mood every once in a while?

  13. Probably not too much dialog considering samus is the strong silent type of galactic bounty hunter. Certainly would give Fett a run for his money...actually I think she'd chew him up and spit him out to be honest.

  14. Hooohooohoo, get in that barn, boy!

  15. You and one of my other friends are waiting for the 26th. WTH is it?!

    I demand an explanation!


    BTW, nice going with that redneck uni comment--coming form he who is a resident of the state most likely to be stereo typified into that very set of terms. smiley_smug.gif

  16. Bored with Te' Mirdala Mandalore so you changed it eh? You're stil the same gun toting deer shooter, though. :dev9:

  17. Yup. She did Samus, Basty, and in some game I'll never play (Tales of symphonia) as some modern fantasy ninja named Sheena Fujibiyashi. Rather bratty inKOTOR and Tales, but admittedly I've not gotten to hear how she did for the metroid prime series. In all the other games, well... sound effects.

  18. Wow. You actually come across as being a bit older than you actually are (especially knowing how "nice friend" doesn't "get" the girl :naughty:). I thought you were in your early to mid twenties.


    Thanks for the encouragement. Yeah, I'm sort of a laughing stock of the family and moreover my little sis is almost a HS grad herself.


    One thing that has worked out: honesty and where you draw the line.

    Admittedly how you project yourself in the eyes of other potentially important people could make all the difference in the world--where there's no middle ground it's advantage OR disadvantage. Sometimes, though this comes at a great cost. Above all this at least be true to yourself and get off the ride before you lose your soul, though.


    Me too, g'nite.

  19. FDA eh? Would that happen to be in the NCDRH chapter/division for control and regulation of radiation? :lol:

    BTW Fire in the sky


    Tortuous, yet still you can eek it out. o_Q

    I tried community college and though I'm contemplating going back...ehh, still having issues and breaking old habits that have seen me unsuccessful. That and the unnecessary politics injected by some teachers--both national AND personal.


    What's your area of expertise?

  20. As an outside observer, 3 syllables: Lit-of-sky. I wondered if it was a reference to an Ozzy song "Fire in the sky". But that's all good. For mine it was all about GTA and starwars.


    Yeah, school... <sigh> I miss it and yet it's un-easing, personally.

    Well, that's good that you continue with it.


    BTW Are you in asia or europe or something? --Yes I'm an annoying Amercian. :p

  21. BTW, what was the inspiration for your screen name?

  22. Dealing with clutter and otherwise trying to make sense of already tight finances now that companies are playing with deadlines. You?

  23. Dude, your new AV owns.

  24. Sorry to re-post so soon: I'm off for now and awhile, but I made actually a couple explorative threads--Knock yourself out.


    The Japanese feudal market points I wanted to get into will have to go in your right and religion economics thread later I suppose.

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